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The Enlightenment 1700sEurope. Many changes in Europe  Less stable governments  Revolutions  Exploration  Colonization.

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Presentation on theme: "The Enlightenment 1700sEurope. Many changes in Europe  Less stable governments  Revolutions  Exploration  Colonization."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Enlightenment 1700sEurope

2 Many changes in Europe  Less stable governments  Revolutions  Exploration  Colonization

3 England  Sentimental Comedy –More merchants attending plays –Less bawdy comedy from Restoration –More sensible and sentimental plays –Rejected verbal wit and obvious satire –Focused on middle and upper class characters

4 …More England…  The Ballad Opera became popular –The Beggar’s Opera (1728) John Gay

5 … still more England…  Physical Theatre Structure –Several new theatres built –Seating capacity was increased –Architectural structure of side boxes simplified –Shift from Baroque style scenery to “Landscape Style” moonshine, fires, volcanoes, cut-outs

6 France  Stagnant period after death of Moliere  The Comedie-Francaise slipped into sentimental and melodramatic tragedies and comedies

7 …More France…  Voltaire – Francois- Marie Arouet de Voltaire(1694- 1778) –Most dominant personality in French theatre –Returned to Classic Greek principles – less romantic

8 …and again, France…  Pierre de Beaumarchais –The Barber of Seville (1775) –The Marriage of Figaro (1784)  French Revolution at end of Century turned attention away from Arts.

9 … and Finally - Germany  Determined attempt to develop a significant national theatre even tho the political concept of Germany had not solidified – lack of stable boundaries and capital cities

10 Writers in Germany  Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781)  Very influential, first dramaturg  Hamburg National Theatre  Followed Classical models of Sophocles and Shakespeare

11  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749- 1832)  Faust –Classic German legend –Protagonist makes a deal with the devil for magical powers

12 The End Copyright 2012 Ms. Amy Birtcher Introduction to Theatre

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