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Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise® Object API

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1 Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise® Object API
Novell BrainShare 2002 Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise® Object API John Cox DSE Worldwide Developer Support Novell, Inc. DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

2 Vision…one Net Mission
A world where networks of all types—corporate and public, intranets, extranets, and the Internet—work together as one Net and securely connect employees, customers, suppliers, and partners across organizational boundaries Mission To solve complex business and technical challenges with Net business solutions that enable people, processes, and systems to work together and our customers to profit from the opportunities of a networked world


4 agenda Agenda Overview API Design Using the Object API
Novell BrainShare 2002 Agenda Overview API Design Using the Object API Developer Resources agenda DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

5 Novell GroupWise® Object API
Novell BrainShare 2002 Novell GroupWise® Object API Access to GroupWise information store Address book and document management Mail messages Appointments Tasks Notes Phone messages DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

6 Novell BrainShare 2002 COM Automation Accessible through any language that supports Component Object Model (COM) Visual Basic Delphi C++ COM DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

7 agenda Agenda Overview API Design Using the Object API
Novell BrainShare 2002 Agenda Overview API Design Using the Object API Developer Resources agenda DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

8 Application Field Definition Address Book Account Entry Busy Search
Novell BrainShare 2002 Field Definition Address Book Account Entry Busy Search Element TimeBlock Application Rights Filter Recipient Folder Message Appointment DocRef Mail Task Note Phone Shared Notification Attachment Query Lookup Tables Document Library Type version Version Viewer FieldDef DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

9 agenda Agenda Overview API Design Using the Object API
Novell BrainShare 2002 Agenda Overview API Design Using the Object API Developer Resources agenda DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

10 Demo (Login) Novell BrainShare 2002
DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

11 hands o GroupWise Login Novell BrainShare 2002
DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

12 Novell BrainShare 2002 Objective Build an application that allows a user to enter a user id and password and confirms that the user has logged into GroupWise DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

13 Step 1: Application 1. Application Account Folder Message
Novell BrainShare 2002 Step 1: Application Application 1. Application Field Definition Address Book Account Account Rights Field Address Book Entry Address Filter Folder Document Library Address Query Document Type FieldDef Recipient Message Lookup Tables Document Busy Search Element Field Address Address Appointment Attachment Address TimeBlock DocRef Document Version Mail Document Version Viewer Phone Message Task Note Shared Notification DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

14 Step 2: Account 1. Application 2. Account Account Folder Message
Novell BrainShare 2002 Step 2: Account Application 1. Application Field Definition Address Book Account Account Rights Field Address Book Entry 2. Account Address Filter Folder Document Library Address Query Document Type FieldDef Recipient Message Lookup Tables Document Busy Search Element Field Address Address Appointment Attachment Address TimeBlock DocRef Document Version Mail Document Version Viewer Phone Message Task Note Shared Notification DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

15 Early Binding vs Late Binding
Novell BrainShare 2002 Early Binding vs Late Binding Early binding ( GroupWare Type Library / GWCMA1.DLL) Dim gwApplication As Application Set gwApplication = New Application2 Late binding Dim gwApplication As Object Set gwApplication = CreateObject("NovellGroupWareSession") DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

16 Advantages of Early Binding
Novell BrainShare 2002 Advantages of Early Binding Development Better Debugging Faster Run-time DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

17 Novell BrainShare 2002 Account Login Account login ( [String UserID], [String CommandLine], [String Password], [LoginConstants WhenToPrompt], [Variant Reserved] ) Account MultiLogin(...) * GroupWise 5.5 and above Account Proxy( Variant UserID ) DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

18 Visual Basic (Early binding)
Novell BrainShare 2002 Visual Basic (Early binding) Login() Dim gwApplication As Application Dim gwAccount As Account Set gwApplication = New Application Set gwAccount = gwApplication.Login(“UserID”,, “Pswd”) DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

19 Novell BrainShare 2002 DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

20 Account Related Objects
Novell BrainShare 2002 Account Related Objects Account Accounts AccountRights AccountRightsCollection Filter Filters TrashEntry TrashEntries Trash AllFolders AllMessages DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

21 Demo (Folders) Novell BrainShare 2002
DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

22 hands o Folders Novell BrainShare 2002
DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

23 Novell BrainShare 2002 Objective Build an application that displays a list of folders in your account Display individual information of a folder that is selected Allow users to add a new folder DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

24 Step 1: Application 1. Application Account Folder Message
Novell BrainShare 2002 Step 1: Application Application 1. Application Field Definition Address Book Account Account Rights Field Address Book Entry Address Filter Folder Document Library Address Query Document Type FieldDef Recipient Message Lookup Tables Document Busy Search Element Field Address Address Appointment Attachment Address TimeBlock DocRef Document Version Mail Document Version Viewer Phone Message Task Note Shared Notification DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

25 Step 2: Account 1. Application 2. Account Account Folder Message
Novell BrainShare 2002 Step 2: Account Application 1. Application Field Definition Address Book Account Account Rights Field Address Book Entry 2. Account Address Filter Folder Document Library Address Query Document Type FieldDef Recipient Message Lookup Tables Document Busy Search Element Field Address Address Appointment Attachment Address TimeBlock DocRef Document Version Mail Document Version Viewer Phone Message Task Note Shared Notification DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

26 Step 3: Folder 1. Application 2. Account 3. Folder Account Folder
Novell BrainShare 2002 Step 3: Folder Application 1. Application Field Definition Address Book Account Account Rights Field Address Book Entry 2. Account Address Filter Folder Document Library Address Query 3. Folder Document Type FieldDef Recipient Message Lookup Tables Document Busy Search Element Field Address Address Appointment Attachment Address TimeBlock DocRef Document Version Mail Document Version Viewer Phone Message Task Note Shared Notification DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

27 Folder-Related Objects
Novell BrainShare 2002 Folder-Related Objects Folder Folders DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

28 Novell BrainShare 2002 DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

29 Psuedo Code (Folders) Begin sub routine to list Folders
Novell BrainShare 2002 Psuedo Code (Folders) Begin sub routine to list Folders Get reference to the main Folders Collection from the Acc obj Loop from i = 1 to Folders Count Set Folder equal to the first item in the Folders Collection Add Folder Name to the listbox collection End Loop End sub routine Begin sub routine to display Folder information Loop to find Folder that was selected in the main Folders collection Display information Begin sub routine to add Folder Use the Folders collection add method to create a new Folder DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

30 Folder-Related Objects
Novell BrainShare 2002 Folder-Related Objects Folder Folders FolderRights FolderRightsCollection DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

31 Demo (Address Books) Novell BrainShare 2002
DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

32 hands o Address Books Novell BrainShare 2002
DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

33 Novell BrainShare 2002 Objective Build an application that displays a list of address books in your account Display the list of entries in a selected book Display individual information about a selected entry Allow users to add new entries DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

34 Address-Related Objects
Novell BrainShare 2002 Address-Related Objects Address Addresses AddressBookEntry AddressBookEntries AddressBook AddressBooks DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

35 Address Book Entry 1. Application 3. Address Book
Novell BrainShare 2002 Address Book Entry 3. Address Book Application 1. Application Field Definition Address Book Account Account Rights Field Address Book Entry 2. Account Address Filter Folder 4. Address Book Entry Document Library Address Query Document Type FieldDef Recipient Message Lookup Tables Document Busy Search Element Field Address Address Appointment Attachment Address TimeBlock DocRef Document Version Mail Document Version Viewer Phone Message Task Note Shared Notification DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

36 Novell BrainShare 2002 DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

37 Psuedo Code (Address Book)
Novell BrainShare 2002 Psuedo Code (Address Book) Begin sub routine to list Address Books Get reference to the main AddressBooks Collection from the Acc obj Loop from 1 to AddressBooks Count Set AddressBook equal to the first item in the AB Collection Add AddressBook Name to the listbox collection End Loop End sub routine Begin sub routine to display Address Book Entries Loop to find Address Book that matches the selected list item Loop through entries in Address Book and display names in a list Begin sub routine to display AddressBookEntry information Loop to find AddressBookEntry that matches the selected list item Once match is found, access and display properties Begin sub routine to add new AB entry Use the AB entries collection to add a new entry (non system book only) DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

38 Address-Related Objects
Novell BrainShare 2002 Address-Related Objects GroupMember GroupMembers AddressBookRights AddressBookRightsCollection DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

39 Demo (Send Mail) Novell BrainShare 2002
DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

40 hands o Send Mail Novell BrainShare 2002
DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

41 Objective Build an application that creates and sends a mail message
Novell BrainShare 2002 Objective Build an application that creates and sends a mail message Set the subject and body text Populate recipients as TO, CC, BC Set message priority Add attachments DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

42 Message-Related Objects
Novell BrainShare 2002 Message-Related Objects Message Messages MessageList AllMessages Mail Recipient Recipients Attachment Attachments DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

43 Send Mail 1. Application 2. Account 3. Folder 5. Mail 4. Message
Novell BrainShare 2002 Send Mail Application 1. Application Field Definition Address Book Account Account Rights Field Address Book Entry 2. Account Address Filter Folder Document Library Address Query 3. Folder Document Type FieldDef Recipient Message Lookup Tables Document Busy Search Element 4. Message Field Address Address Appointment Attachment Address TimeBlock DocRef Document Version 5. Mail Mail Document Version Viewer Phone Message Task Note Shared Notification DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

44 Novell BrainShare 2002 DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

45 Psuedo Code (Send Mail)
Novell BrainShare 2002 Psuedo Code (Send Mail) Begin sub routine to create and send Mail message Create a new message object with Add on a Messages collection Use message properties to set the subject, bodytext and priority Loop through each recipient box and add TO, CC, BC objects Loop through the attachments list box and add attachments Send Message End sub routine DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

46 Message-Related Objects
Novell BrainShare 2002 Message-Related Objects AllMessages AllMessagesIterator FormattedText Appointment DocumentReference Note PhoneMessage SharedNotification Task DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

47 agenda Agenda Overview API Design Using the Object API
Novell BrainShare 2002 Agenda Overview API Design Using the Object API Developer Resources agenda DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API

48 Developer Resources Training Documentation and Sample Code Support
Novell BrainShare 2002 Developer Resources Training Documentation and Sample Code Support / DCB114—Beginning Programming with the Novell GroupWise Object API


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