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Figure 2.1 The Open dialog box in the Startup window. Cancel button Open dialog box folders on drive C.

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1 Figure 2.1 The Open dialog box in the Startup window. Cancel button Open dialog box folders on drive C

2 Figure 2.2 Obtaining help. help on creating a form Create a form topic type form wiz in this text box Print button

3 Figure 2.3 Preparing to open a database. click to open the highlighted database click to cancel open highlighted database

4 Figure 2.4 The Database window. tables, queries, and other database objects on the Object bar four tables comprise this database Database window

5 Figure 2.5 Icons and cascaded windows. three cascaded windows minimized window containing the tblBroker table menu bar toolbar Expand buttons

6 Figure 2.6 Example table containing employee data. each column holds a different characteristic about the row it describes this value shows the total number of rows in the table the primary key column’s values by definition are unique for each row

7 Figure 2.7 Example query and dynaset. query design query dynaset

8 Figure 2.8 Example form displaying an Employee table row. text boxes navigation buttons

9 Figure 2.9 Example report.

10 Figure 2.10 Open Database dialog box. database file the Look in drop-down list

11 Figure 2.11 Database window. list of tables in the database comments about each table

12 Figure 2.12 Two views of the same data. Datasheet view Form view

13 Figure 2.13 The Client table (tblClient). tblClient table among a list of tables Datasheet view of tblClient

14 Figure 2.14 Table Datasheet view toolbar. View Save Print Print Preview Spelling Copy Format Painter Insert Hyperlink Sort Descending Filter By Form Find Delete Record New Object Cut Paste Undo Sort Ascending Filter By Selection Apply Filter New Record Database Window Help

15 Figure 2.15 Changing a table’s display characteristics.

16 Figure 2.16 Print dialog box. selected (network) printer number of copies to print designates which pages to print

17 Figure 2.17 Using Documentor to print out table structure information. four tables are selected click other tabs to select additional objects select all objects in a window

18 Figure 2.18 A query design and resulting dynaset. dynaset query design table field roster query grid

19 Figure 2.19 Show Table dialog box.

20 Figure 2.20 One-table query, Design view. selection criteria QBE grid Show row

21 Figure 2.21 One-table query dynaset. only rows with 1015 for ClientID are selected for the dynaset

22 Figure 2.22 Selection and projection operations with an and operator used in the criteria. dynaset query design selection criteria

23 Figure 2.23 Comparison operators.

24 Figure 2.24 Logical operators.

25 Figure 2.25 OR query and dynaset. multiple criteria on two different criteria rows implements an OR between the criteria

26 Figure 2.26 A query calculating a value with an expression. dynaset query design calculated expression New Object button

27 Figure 2.27 Preparing to print a query’s definition.

28 Figure 2.28 An update query example. BrokerSalary is replaced by the value of this expression only rows containing “F” are updated

29 Figure 2.29 A delete query example. delete criteria

30 Figure 2.30 An append query example. field names need not match append values from this table to tblEmployee

31 Figure 2.31 A client form. the number of records in the tblClient table current record number Next Record button

32 Figure 2.32 Form based on the query, qryStockValue. no minimize or maximize button is available record count

33 Figure 2.33 Broker form.

34 Figure 2.34 Filter By Form example. Apply Filter/Remove Filter ClientID drop-down list

35 Figure 2.35 Previewing a report.

36 Figure 2.36 Typical AutoReport-style report.

37 Figure 2.37 Report design.

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