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Microscope Data Sheet An example of how to fill it out correctly.

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Presentation on theme: "Microscope Data Sheet An example of how to fill it out correctly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microscope Data Sheet An example of how to fill it out correctly

2 First the label - What do these abbreviations stand for??

3 Whole mount (W.M.) – the whole structure part or organism is on the slide. Whole mount (W.M.)

4 Longitudinal section (L.S.) Longitudinal Section (L.S.) – A thin section cut from top to bottom is on the slide.

5 Cross section (C.S.) Cross Section (C.S.) – A thin section cut from side to side is on the slide.

6 Tree C.S. and L.S.

7 Leaf Cross Section

8 Monocot Stem Cross Section


10 Header

11 40x It is important to keep the proportions in your drawing the same as you see them in your field of view. Do not draw things that you do not see.

12 100x

13 400x

14 The Full Page - Here is the completed Data Sheet with all parts correctly filled in. The last field of view diagram is not filled in because 400X was the highest power. Some microscopes have that fourth higher objective. This form is not to be hurried through. Detail takes time. The more detail the more accurate and valuable the sheet.

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