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The Age of Imperialism

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1 The Age of Imperialism

2 Imperialism  Definition = Expansion of a nation’s influence, by acquiring territory or by controlling another country.

3 Isolationism  Definition = Avoiding involvement of the affairs of other countries.

4 Possession  Definition = land that is acquired by:  1. purchase  2. discovery  3. conquest

5 Protectorate  Definition = a small or weak country that is protected by a stronger country.

6 Reasons for Imperialism  1. Raw materials: sugar cane; oil, coal; etc.  2. Bragging rights: “keeping up with the Joneses”



9 Reasons for Imperialism  3. Markets: places to sell our surplus (extra) goods  4. Defense: places to refuel our battle ships and to spy on the enemy

10 Reasons for Imperialism  5. White Man’s Burden: “let’s civilize and Christianize the cannibals”  6. Manifest Destiny: “America is meant to expand.”

11 White Man’s Burden The White Man's Burden By Rudyard Kipling McClure's Magazine 12 (Feb. 1899). Take up the White Man's burden-- Send forth the best ye breed-- Go, bind your sons to exile To serve your captives' need; To wait, in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild-- Your new-caught sullen peoples, Half devil and half child.

12 The Age of Imperialism The time has come, wrote Captain Alfred Mahan, for Americans to turn their "eyes outward, instead of inward only, to seek the welfare of the country."

13 Cartoon Views on Cuba

14 More Cartoon Views


16 Interpreting Political Cartoons (313)

17 Panama, Panama!!

18 Puerto Rico pop. 3,927,188

19 Guam pop. 171,019

20 U.S. Virgin Islands pop. 108,605

21 American Samoa pop. 57,794

22 Northern Marianas Islands pop. 82,459

23 Midway Islands pop. 0

24 Wake Island pop. 0

25 Johnson Atoll chemical weapons dump site

26 Expansion and Imperialism  William H. Seward purchases Alaska for 7.2 Million Dollars  2 cents per acre  Alfred T. Mahan  The United States needs a strong navy to protect economic interests abroad  The Influence of Sea Power upon History


28 Hawaii 1  In 1787 Captain James Cook is the first European to discover Hawaii  Missionaries go to Hawaii to convert the Hawaiians and open businesses raising sugarcane  In 1875, sugar can be shipped duty free to the United States

29 Hawaii 2  1890 – McKinley Tariff allows countries to ship sugar duty free to the United States  Tariff also gives a subsidy to U.S. sugar producers causing the price to plummet and destroy the Hawaiian economy  1893 – planters revolt against Queen Liliuokalani when she tries to restore power to the monarchy

30 Hawaii 3  U.S. sends 150 marines in to support the planters although no shots are fired  1898 – Islands become annexed  1900 – U.S. territory  1959 – 50 th U.S. state

31 The Opening of Japan  Prior to 1850’s Japan is an isolationist country. WHY???  Millard Fillmore sends Commodore Matthew Perry to open up Japan  1853 – 4 US warships arrive in Japan  1854 – Perry’s second expedition to Japan  1858 – Japanese sign trade agreement  1868 – Restoration of the Meiji Dynasty

32 Commodore Mathew Perry

33 Foreign Powers in China  With a partner, in your textbooks read pages 292-293 and complete the next section in your notes.

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