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Homework Assignment 1 NAME:_____________________________ ____ SECTION: BCIS 4660: DAY 001 /EVE 002 (CIRCLE ONE) Fall 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework Assignment 1 NAME:_____________________________ ____ SECTION: BCIS 4660: DAY 001 /EVE 002 (CIRCLE ONE) Fall 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework Assignment 1 NAME:_____________________________ ____ SECTION: BCIS 4660: DAY 001 /EVE 002 (CIRCLE ONE) Fall 2015

2 TAL/CAT N-XX (CHAP-QUEST) TEMPLATE DATASHEET VIEWS QUERY DESIGN/QBE VIEW SQL VIEW SELECT …. CAT 1-12 SAMPLE QUESTION…For each trip that has more than one guide that can lead the trip, list the trip name, The trip type, and the first and last names of each guide.

3 TAL/CAT N-XX (CHAP-QUEST) TEMPLATE DATASHEET VIEWS QUERY DESIGN/QBE VIEW SQL VIEW SELECT …. CAT 1-12 SAMPLE QUESTION…For each trip that has more than one guide that can lead the trip, list the trip name, The trip type, and the first and last names of each guide.

4 TAL/CAT N-XX (CHAP-QUEST) TEMPLATE DATASHEET VIEWS QUERY DESIGN/QBE VIEW SQL VIEW SELECT …. CAT 1-12 SAMPLE QUESTION…For each trip that has more than one guide that can lead the trip, list the trip name, The trip type, and the first and last names of each guide.

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