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Gradual Release of Responsibility

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1 Gradual Release of Responsibility

2 Definition The gradual release of responsibility model of instruction requires that the teacher shift from assuming all the responsibility for performing a task… to a situation in which the students assume all of the responsibility.(Duke & Pearson, 2002,p.211)

3 Gradual Release of Responsibility Model Cont’d
This gradual release may occur over a day, a week, a month, or a year. It emphasizes instruction that mentors students into becoming capable thinkers and learners when handling the tasks with which they have not yet developed expertise.

The gradual release model is also referred to as scaffolding instruction. It is broadly recognized as a successful approach for moving classroom instruction from teacher-centered, whole-group delivery to student-centered collaboration and independent practice.


Direct Instruction/Modelling Guided Instruction/ Teacher/Students Collaboration …. Between students Independent ( Individual ) practice

7 DIRECT INSTRUCTION Teacher Modelling A Clear Lesson Purpose
Instruction is typically done with the whole class Lesson lasts fifteen minutes or less Make sure long enough to ensure students have a model from which to work Teacher models his/her thinking Allows teacher to activate background knowledge

8 Guided Instruction Guided instruction is between teacher and whole class/small groups If in small groups , teacher circulates to verify understanding Prompting, teachers prompting to increase complex thinking Small group lesson if needed Can be used for formative assessment

This phase is critical because students must use language if they are to learn it Students need opportunities to problem solve, discuss and negotiate with their peers Work stations are important so students can practice and apply their learning while interacting with their peers

10 INDEPENDENT PRACTICE ( Transfer of Responsibility )
Independently, student should be able to take the modelled information and apply it to new situations to demonstrate learning has occurred. Takes full responsibility for outcome Works alone Relies on notes ,activities, classroom learning to complete assignment Teacher provides feedback, evaluates and determines level of understanding

11 CONCLUSION The gradual release of responsibility is one of the oldest ideas in learning. Structured teaching requires that teachers know their students and content well In six simple words…..Show Me, Help Me, Let Me teacher-practice

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