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December 2014. Read Terms & Conditions Overview: Data must be accessed privately – not at dinners, lunches, or any public spaces!! Preferably at school.

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Presentation on theme: "December 2014. Read Terms & Conditions Overview: Data must be accessed privately – not at dinners, lunches, or any public spaces!! Preferably at school."— Presentation transcript:

1 December 2014

2 Read Terms & Conditions Overview: Data must be accessed privately – not at dinners, lunches, or any public spaces!! Preferably at school. The data is owned by the student and VTAC ATARs can never be used for anything but counselling without permission The permission must clearly state what the student allows the data to be used for and who it can be shown to. Terms and conditions sent to all principals and careers practitioners.

3 Breaches of Terms and Conditions All breaches will be referred to the privacy commissioner. All incidents deemed to be breaches by VTAC will result in a two year ban for the early release. ………………………………………………………… When forwarding the ATARs it is the sender’s responsibility to include the Terms and Conditions. When directed to use the early release for anything other than counselling it is the sender’s responsibility to keep copies of the direction.

4 Step 1: Login to CourseLink

5 Step 2: Go to student data

6 Step 3: Sort Student Data

7 The ATAR file How to print

8 Printing the ATAR file Go to Student Data Sort this screen by ATAR and/or Enrolment type and print. Alternatively you can download the file by selecting the link.  To view an individual student’s profile after 11am on Monday select the surname you will then have access to the ATAR calculation.

9 How to print ATARs (cont)

10 The ATAR file Downloading

11 Downloading ATAR file

12 Downloading ATAR file (continued)

13 Please adhere to Terms and Conditions and forward a copy to anyone who has access to this file. Don’t forget that this information is strictly embargoed and protected under privacy legislation. Breaches will be sent to privacy commissioner. The ATARs belong to the students and VTAC, not the school or the parents. Download the data as soon as possible. CourseLink will be closed between 6am and approximately 11am Monday 15 December 2014. In summary

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