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The power of media. “The media can be an instrument of change: it can maintain the status quo and reflect the views of the society.

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Presentation on theme: "The power of media. “The media can be an instrument of change: it can maintain the status quo and reflect the views of the society."— Presentation transcript:

1 The power of media











12 “The media can be an instrument of change: it can maintain the status quo and reflect the views of the society or it can, hopefully, awaken people and change minds. I think it depends on who’s piloting the plane.” - Katie Couric, Journalist

13 UN Beijing platform for action The continued projection of negative and degrading images of women in media communications – electronic, print, visual and audio – must be changed.

14 Who makes the news?

15 Media survey in 108 countries shows that: Women make up 24 %of the news globally 76 % of people hear or read about in the news are men

16 Presence of women and men in the news in the Middle East Only 16% of the total news subjects represents women in some way. In politics/government men makes up 90% of the news subjects Women make up 19% of experts and 12% spokespersons Highest proportions of women are in entertainment - 35%

17 Swedish media - conflict coverage Survey in Sweden shows that: News subjects: men 86% Experts commenting events 89% men Civil society 4 %

18 Related links Global Media Monitoring Project, Who makes the news? – Kvinna till Kvinnas survey of conflict coverage: – ga_publikationer/08_Media_monitoring.pdf ga_publikationer/08_Media_monitoring.pdf Miss representation, US Camapaign to change the portrayal of women in media –


20 Parallell tracks Long term – change structures within media. Short term – use media logic to get message across. For examle: – Help media find news angles to your story. – List female experts/spoke persons

21 Your experiences?

22 What do the journalists ask for when they call? Actions Facts – statistics Interview Backgroundinformation – how did you think in this particular question

23 How to be successful in media

24 Most important is to know how media works Be pro-active. Take a lead. Timing is everything Cultivate good relations with journalists – meet them, learn to know them, call them Give them exclusivity – your story becomes their story If you have decided to be pro-active – you have to have a very good first story

25 Your own examples – Good/bad What is your experience of trying to ”sell” your message to journalists?

26 A clear message is the most effective way to draw attention to your issues


28 Message Easy to understand Short Concrete You have to repeat it at every possible opportunity It should create a feeling that people in the organisation share a common value Conflict, dynamic

29 How to create a good message Decide who you want to influence What is your opponent’s message? Repeat your message.

30 Press release, form Logo Contact details Date Present your organisation/work in a few sentences Images

31 Press release, content News worthy Heading – catch interest. First sentences – include your message Answer: What, when, why and where? No difficult words Quote – emotion, your view on a topic. Be facutal - no commercial text

32 Don’t forget Press release, op-ed etc should only include one message. Be specific – What is the problem? What do you want? Who should do what? Be availabe when you sent a press release! Prepare your selves for interviews, for ex quetsions and answers

33 Interviews

34 Your own examples – Good/bad What is your own experience of being interviewed? How did you prepare yourself? How did it work?

35 What to think about in an interview You are the expert– You know what to say Stay focused It is not your responsibility to make it happen – you just answer the question You can always say you don´t understand Repeat your message as often as possible The journalists have already decided what to focus on – listen to their questions and answer them, but try to repeat your message The viewers are your audience – not the journalist

36 How to act as an interviewee Nice – treat the journalist as you’d want to be treated yourself Be available – someone else from another organisation will do the interview if you say no Reliable – return the call when they call you. If you promise exclusivity, keep to your promise Clear – use language that the viewer understands – not the jargon of your organisation What is your role? – the villain, the good guy, the victim Be concrete – do not use language that is too difficult

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