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A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments 23 rd July 2013 MS Experts’ Group Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments 23 rd July 2013 MS Experts’ Group Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments 23 rd July 2013 MS Experts’ Group Meeting

2 PwC Overview of the presentation Objectives of the assignment Project outline Phase 1-bis survey results –preliminary findings Key points Work plan Slide 2 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments

3 PwC Objectives of the assignment Provide a complete intervention logic for the Technical Assistance (TA) Platform and develop the rationale for prioritising and programming activities Describe different options for the creation and dissemination of knowledge base and capacity building related to Financial Instruments. Perform an applicability assessment taking into account potential resources, timing and technical possibilities constraints Build a comprehensive inventory of Horizontal Technical Assistance (HA) activities for the first 3 years of activity of the TA Platform on the basis of TA needs, prioritisation principles and the exploitation of delivery synergies Provide recommendations for defining the processes for different initiation paths of Multi-Regional Assistance (MRA) Recommend a set of monitoring indicators that follow the progress and implementation of services delivered by the TA Platform Contribute to the preparation of a kick-off event for the formal announcement of the TA Platform Slide 3 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments

4 PwC Project outline This assignment is organised around 6 tasks where we will: Task 1 – develop the TA Platform intervention logic building on Phase 1 study and past experience; develop framework for prioritising and programming TA Platform activities (drawing from Workshop 1) Task 2 – identify different options for the preparation and dissemination of knowledge and capacity building for Financial Instruments (SWOT analysis and applicability assessment of options) Task 3 – build on the options analysis in previous tasks and develop a list of proposed Horizontal Activities for the first 3 years of the TA Platform (incorporate findings on delivery synergies from Workshop 2) Slide 4 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments

5 PwC Project outline Task 4 – provide recommendations on how calls for Multi-Regional Assistance activities can be generated and streamlined Task 5 – provide a set of indicators to monitor the progress and implementation of the TA Platform and its delivery of Horizontal Assistance and Multi-Regional Assistance Task 6 – support the preparation of the TA Platform kick-off event to be held in the last quarter of 2013 (presentation, brochures etc.) Slide 5 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments

6 PwC Objective tree Slide 6 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments

7 PwC Intervention logic Slide 7 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments

8 PwC Illustrative output A catalogue of proposed Horizontal TA activities We will develop a list of proposed HA activities for the first 3 years of the TA Platform, based on the needs and the intervention logic detailed in the Task 1, and the most suitable TA and capacity building activities listed in Task 2.2 HA activities factsheet template for all proposed activities Slide 8 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments

9 PwC Phase 1-bis study - survey results What the survey tells us: The Thematic Objectives holding the strongest interest for the use of FIs over the 2014-2020 programming period are: o TO1: Strengthening research, technological development and innovation o TO3: Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs, agriculture sector (EAFRD) and fisheries (EMFF) o TO4: Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors 60% of respondents envisage using FIs funded from the ERDF over the next programming period from 2014-2020; the next most popular ESI Fund was the EAFRD with 10% Majority of respondents indicated a demand for Technical Assistance (TA) to facilitate the use of FIs in the 2014-2020 programming period Demand for TA over the FI life cycle is highest during the Set-Up Phase, followed by the Implementation Phase, however this may evolve over time Slide 9 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments

10 PwC Phase 1-bis study - survey results (cont.) What the survey tells us: Most urgent TA needs by topic: legal advice, State aid rules & EU regulations, selection of Fund of Funds/FI Managers, project identification & selection, guidelines for conducting ex-ante assessments Of those wanting TA, higher interest in Horizontal Assistance (69%) than Multi- Regional Assistance (31%) Respondents who had first-hand experience with the JESSICA/JEREMIE networking platforms also indicated an overall positive experience with these TA products Preference for collaborative and interactive approaches to knowledge dissemination and the exchange of good practice case studies How we will use the results: The lessons learned and data will help provide an understanding of where there are the most acute needs for TA, and what form the activities of the TA Platform should take to best respond to these identified needs Slide 10 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments

11 PwC Interest in using FIs to support the 11 Thematic Objectives 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments Slide 11 Thematic Objective 1 Strengthening research, technological development and innovation (RTDI) Thematic Objective 2 Enhancing access to, and use and quality of information and communication technologies (ICT) Thematic Objective 3 Enhancing competitiveness of SMEs, EAFRD and EMFF Thematic Objective 4 Supporting the shift to a low- carbon economy in all sectors Thematic Objective 5 Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management Thematic Objective 6 Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency Thematic Objective 7 Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures Thematic Objective 8 Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility Thematic Objective 9 Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty Thematic Objective 10 Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning Thematic Objective 11 Enhancing institutional capacity and an efficient public administration

12 PwC Indicative Financial Products to be used via FIs for 11 Thematic Objectives 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments Slide 12

13 PwC Horizontal Assistance vs. Multi-Region Assistance for TAP 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments Slide 13

14 PwC Design Phase: Task by Task 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments Slide 14

15 PwC Set-Up Phase: Task by Task 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments Slide 15

16 PwC Implementation Phase: Task by Task 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments Slide 16

17 PwC Winding Up Phase: Task by Task 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments Slide 17

18 PwC Highlighted key points In order to facilitate knowledge exchange and communication during this study, we have proposed to hold several participatory workshops with EC and other Cohesion Policy stakeholders DG REGIO has recommended potentially involving a select number of MS/MAs (4-5) in a later workshop to speak about their past experiences with FIs in order to test whether the proposed TA platform activities will address relevant TA needs; Ideally the participants will represent a good cross-section of those using FIs (e.g. drawing from different Funds, centralised/decentralised governance arrangements) The assignment takes place in the context of on-going MFF negotiations and the publication of Delegated and Implementing Acts (e.g. relevant to Off the Shelf instruments) - therefore requires an appropriate degree of flexibility Slide 18 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments

19 PwC Key questions Do you have any comments about the results of the phase 1-bis survey regarding future TA needs? Are there any further elements to add regarding the key needs for the TA Platform to address? At what stage in the ex-ante assessment process are you, and how are you approaching these? 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments Slide 19

20 PwC Work schedule 20 5th July 2013A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments Month 1 Month 4Month 3Month 2Month 5 Kick-off Meeting Workshop 1 19 July Workshop 1 19 July  Draft Final Report Draft Final Report  Draft Interim Report Draft Interim Report Month 6Month 7 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728 Interim Meeting  Final Report Final Report Final Meeting Event Preparation Project management Workshop 2 16 September Workshop 2 16 September Workshop 3? TBC if required Workshop 3? TBC if required Please note: Additional ad-hoc workshops/meetings TBC if required

21 PwC Immediate next steps Development and validation of TAP Objective Tree and Intervention Logic (August/September 2013) Your initial feedback on perceived TA needs is important! Should you have any initial observations or recommendations on specific MS/MA needs or TA platform activities that would better enable MS/MAs in deploying FIs, please provide your feedback to the organisers of this meeting. CONTACT: 23 July 2013 A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments Slide 21

22 This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Société coopérative, its members, employees and agents do not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it. © 2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers, Société coopérative. All rights reserved. In this document, “PwC” refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers, Société coopérative Luxembourg, which is a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a separate legal entity.

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