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1 Light Reading Ethernet Europe – Frankfurt – April 2013 Ralph Santitoro MEF Director and Co-chair of CE4Cloud/SDN Project Director of Strategic Market.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Light Reading Ethernet Europe – Frankfurt – April 2013 Ralph Santitoro MEF Director and Co-chair of CE4Cloud/SDN Project Director of Strategic Market."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Light Reading Ethernet Europe – Frankfurt – April 2013 Ralph Santitoro MEF Director and Co-chair of CE4Cloud/SDN Project Director of Strategic Market Development, Fujitsu Carrier Ethernet, SDN and Virtualization Reshaping The Services & Networking Landscape

2 2 Light Reading Ethernet Europe – Frankfurt – April 2013 2 Melding of Worlds CloudServicesCloudServicesWANConnectivityServicesWANConnectivityServices On Demand AutomatedElasticServices AutomatedElasticServices WAN Connectivity Services Long service lifecycle Manual service activation Infrequent changes Cloud Services Short service lifecycle Automated service activation Frequent changes (Elastic) Cloud applications are changing how we view WAN services Carrier Ethernet is evolving to support this new reality

3 3 Light Reading Ethernet Europe – Frankfurt – April 2013 3 Different objectives but complementary SoftwareDefinedNetworking IT World SoftwareDefinedNetworking MEFEthernetServices Telecoms World MEFEthernetServices MEFEthernetServices delivered on an SDN MEFEthernetServices delivered on an SDN Software Defined Networking Data Center origins Focus on network architecture Defines how to build networks MEF Ethernet Services Carrier origins Focus on services Defines the service SDNs define how networks are implemented Ethernet Services can leverage SDN’s network programmability

4 4 Light Reading Ethernet Europe – Frankfurt – April 2013 4 MEF Service Attributes Define Network Functions MEF Service Definitions – are agnostic of network or technology implementation – do not specify where network functionality is implemented MEF 16 E-LMI LOAM MEF 16 E-LMI LOAM MEF 20 LOAM MEF 30 SOAM-FM MEF 10.2 EVC BW Profiles MEF 10.2 EVC BW Profiles MEF 6.1.1 L2CP Handling MEF 6.1.1 L2CP Handling MEF 7.1 EMS-NMS Info Model MEF 6.1 CE-VLAN ID / CoS Preservation MEF 6.1 CE-VLAN ID / CoS Preservation MEF 26.1 OVC BW Profiles MEF 26.1 OVC BW Profiles MEF 10.2 CE-VLAN ID/EVC Map MEF 10.2 CE-VLAN ID/EVC Map MEF 10.2 EVC Performance Parameters MEF 23.1 CoS Performance Parameters MEF 26.1 OVC BW Profiles MEF 26.1 OVC BW Profiles MEF 35 SOAM-PM MEF 6.1 Service Attributes MEF 33 Service Attributes MEF 26.1 ENNI Attributes MEF 26.1 ENNI Attributes MEF 23.1 CoS Performance Tiers MEF 10.2 EVC BW Profiles MEF 10.2 EVC BW Profiles MEF 26.1 S-VLAN ID / CoS Preservation MEF 26.1 S-VLAN ID / CoS Preservation MEF services accommodate traditional and SDN implementations MEF 6.1 BUM Frame Delivery MEF 6.1 BUM Frame Delivery MEF 26.1 OVC End Point Map MEF 26.1 OVC End Point Map

5 5 Light Reading Ethernet Europe – Frankfurt – April 2013 5 MEF work to facilitate Cloud service delivery Extend services attributes to be more dynamic – E.g., Bandwidth on Demand Standardized Northbound APIs – Make Ethernet Services more programmable – Enable applications to query Ethernet service attributes, e.g., Bandwidth and Performance MEF collaborating with ONF – How to map an MEF Ethernet services into an ONF SDN architecture – Need orchestration across multiple operator domains Goal to accommodate traditional and SDN implementations

6 6 Light Reading Ethernet Europe – Frankfurt – April 2013 6 Summary Cloud Services have changed how we view Carrier Ethernet services MEF is evolving Ethernet Service attributes – To better support on-demand cloud service delivery – Supported via traditional or SDN implementations SDNs with virtualized network functions – may enable new applications or optimize current applications of MEF Ethernet services not possible with traditional network implementations

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