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OCTOBER 2011 Principal Professional Learning Team.

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Presentation on theme: "OCTOBER 2011 Principal Professional Learning Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCTOBER 2011 Principal Professional Learning Team

2 Welcome The mission of the Parkway School District is to ensure all students are capable, curious and confident learners who understand and respond to the challenges of an ever-changing world.

3 Norms for Working Together Listen to understand Mission focused Well-planned agenda Active and respectful participation

4 Essential Question Mission Accomplished - Parkway 2016 “How do we get from here to there?”

5 Surprise! What’s been your biggest surprise associated with the “minis”? Write your response on the notecard. – Find one person who is not at the same level (e.g. if you are high school find a middle, elementary or pre-K administrator) and share your responses. Return to your table.

6 Focus on the Mini- Observation Liz Morrison Teacher Domains (White) Library/Media Domains (Pink) Counselor Domains (Green)

7 Instructional Process and Learning Environment Teacher #1 Take a few minutes and review “effective” in the Instructional Process and Learning Environment Domains Watch Video  Working Alone: Complete the mini-observation form and mark the teacher (white) rubric  Working in groups of four or five (mixed level):  Share your mini-observation comments with the group (whip around)  Compare your Domains and Discuss Teacher #2 Watch Video  Working Alone: Complete the mini-observation form and mark the teacher (white) rubric  Working in groups of four or five (mixed level):  Share your mini-observation comments with the group (whip around)  Compare your Domains and Discuss

8 Instructional Process and Learning Environment Counselor Take a few minutes and review the Domains Watch Video  Working Alone: Complete the mini-observation form and mark the teacher (white) rubric  Working in groups of four or five (mixed level):  Share your mini-observation comments with the group (whip around)  Compare your Domains and Discuss Library/Media Specialist Take a few minutes and review the Domains Watch Video  Working Alone: Complete the mini-observation form and mark the teacher (white) rubric  Working in groups of four or five (mixed level):  Share your mini-observation comments with the group (whip around)  Compare your Domains and Discuss

9 Enduring understanding and essential question EU: The Professional Learning Action Team’s purpose is to ensure all certified staff members participate in high quality professional learning focused on achievement for all students. EQ: How can the Professional Learning Action Team contribute to Mission Accomplished 2016?

10 PLAT Action Items 2011 - 2012 Plan, implement, and evaluate high quality professional learning at the school and district level (Goal #4) Design the action plan for the district-wide implementation of Professional Learning Communities (Goal #4) Design the Professional Learning Plan for the Teacher Professional Learning and Evaluation Model (Goal #5) Determine the criteria and amount for stipends and credit for proposal to the PNEA and the BOE (Goal #6)

11 Professional Learning Communities Reality Check Fist to Five – Early Implementation of Professional Learning Communities Table Dialogue: Three Focus Questions  Please select a recorder  Please select a facilitator  Where is your school right now?  What do you hope to have accomplished by the end of 2011 – 2012?  What questions do you have regarding the implementation of PLCs?

12 GrowthData Julie Collins  Coordinator of Assessment

13 Academic Recognition Presentation Charlotte Ijei  Director of Pupil Personnel & Diversity  Moving towards a new high school academic recognition program and eliminating class rank

14 Break-out Groups by Levels High School  Open Discussion; Possible Topics:  Accepting Credits  PLC’s (late start/early release?)  High School Schedules Middle & Elementary  Character Education

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