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Math Websites, Resources, and Conversations Mega Conference July 19, 2012 Tod Beers.

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Presentation on theme: "Math Websites, Resources, and Conversations Mega Conference July 19, 2012 Tod Beers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Websites, Resources, and Conversations Mega Conference July 19, 2012 Tod Beers

2 How will this session be conducted? 1)I will briefly identify a cluster of websites and resources 2)You will rank the websites based on personal interest – High (H), Medium (M), and Low (L) High – spend more time on this site Medium – quickly breeze through the web site Low – move on 3)We will view the websites and resources according to the level of interest across the whole group 4)Small group discussion will follow as to how the information and resources from these websites can be used in your current work We will follow this routine until our time is used up.

3 Plan 2020 Learners Indicators/Targets College- and Career-Ready Indicator: By 2016, increase the percentage of students who are college- and career- ready as measured by the High School Graduate College and Career Readiness Index. Baseline: 18% 1-year target: 20% 4-year target: 26% 8-year target: 40%

4 Where Are Our Students?


6 Take Time Now to Rank These Websites 1)Rank each website according to personal interest – High (H), Medium (M), and Low (L) How much interest do you have in taking a closer look at these websites? High – spend more time on this Medium – quickly breeze through the site Low – move on 2) Let us view the websites and resources according to your interest level 3)Small group discussion of how the information and resources from these websites can be used in your current work Let peer conversation help you clarify your thinking, and receive great ideas from a colleague on how to implement the CCRS.

7 The Alabama College and Career Ready Website


9 Think about the end from the beginning! Backward design: College and Career Ready (Goal ) Math Practice Standards (Behaviors – “BE ABLE TO DO”) High School Conceptual Categories (Content – “KNOW”) High School - Domains, Clusters, and Standards Middle School - Domains, Clusters, and Standards Elementary School - Domains, Clusters and Standards Common Core Learning Trajectory Learning Progression Math Practice Standards Critical Areas of Focus Domains Clusters Literacy Standards

10 One Page Summary for Simple Conversations What do you know? think? What might you be able to do?

11 2010 COS, Mathematics (22) (21) (26) (25) (28)(26) 5 3 2 14 10 8 12 13 16 19 23 14 Number of standards moved down from higher grades Number of standards with increased rigor/specificity Grade K-5 Content Shifts Standards at each grade: Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5

12 2010 COS, Mathematics Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Algebra I (29) (24) (28) (50) 16 5 2 12 11 16 2 41 Number of standards moved down from higher grades Number of standards with increased rigor/specificity ALGEBRA I (50) Standards at each grade: Algebra I in Grade 8 Content Shifts

13 Take Time Now to Rank These Websites 1)Rank each website according to personal interest – High (H), Medium (M), and Low (L) How much interest do you have in taking a closer look at these websites? High – spend more time on this Medium – quickly breeze through the site Low – move on 2) Let us view the websites and resources according to your interest level 3)Small group discussion of how the information and resources from these websites can be used in your current work Let peer conversation help you clarify your thinking, and receive great ideas from a colleague on how to implement the CCRS.

14 © 2010 Wisconsin Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESAs) School Improvement Services Permission is granted to the Alabama Department of Education for dissemination and use in any whole or part in any form within the Alabama Department of Education region.

15 Sample Training Outline PurposeAgenda and Activities 1) To understand the underpinnings of Alabama’s 2010 COS: Mathematics Background and Foundations of the Standards SDE Phases and Timeline 2) To understand the critical focus areas by grade level Exploring Grade Level Intent  Activity #1—Grade-Level Intent 3) To explore the grade-level standards Exploring the Structure of the Standards  Activity #2—Content Standard’s Structure  Activity #4—Domains (Grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4) Exploring Standards for Mathematical Practices  Activity #3—Standards for Mathematical Practice 4) To explore “mathematical understanding” Exploring Mathematical Understanding  Activity #5—Mathematical Understanding Exploring the Expectations for Understanding  Activity #6—Expectations of Understanding 5) To learn how to explore the 2010 COS: Mathematics Exploring Two Standards  Activity #7—Exploring Two Standards Exploring Vertical Connections  Activity #8—Exploring Vertical Connections Exploring Lenses on the Standards Activity (Grades 9-12)—Vocabulary, Student-Friendly Language, and Math Practices 6) To reflect on implications to your practice Determining Implications and Action Steps  Activity #9—Determining Implications  Activity #10—Determining Next Steps



18 Take Time Now to Rank These Websites 1)Rank each website according to personal interest – High (H), Medium (M), and Low (L) How much interest do you have in taking a closer look at these websites? High – spend more time on this Medium – quickly breeze through the site Low – move on 2) Let us view the websites and resources according to your interest level 3)Small group discussion of how the information and resources from these websites can be used in your current work Let peer conversation help you clarify your thinking, and receive great ideas from a colleague on how to implement the CCRS.

19 Alabama Insight Tool – Equipping Teachers To Determine Student Mastery Evidence of Student AttainmentStudent SkillsStudent Understanding “Alabama Insight” is a web-based tool that allows for a search of the College and Career Standards for descriptions that aid teachers in determining student mastery. Connected to each standard are descriptions of evidence of student attainment, and necessary student knowledge, skill, understanding and teacher vocabulary. Example: Grade 3, Standard 3

20 Flip Books

21 Another Way to View the 2010 Math Course of Study Literacy Standards


23 Take Time Now to Rank These Websites 1)Rank each website according to personal interest – High (H), Medium (M), and Low (L) How much interest do you have in taking a closer look at these websites? High – spend more time on this Medium – quickly breeze through the site Low – move on 2) Let us view the websites and resources according to your interest level 3)Small group discussion of how the information and resources from these websites can be used in your current work Let peer conversation help you clarify your thinking, and receive great ideas from a colleague on how to implement the CCRS.


25 Grade Level Pages AMSTI SDE Math Staff Top Math Websites

26 Look for ready-made materials to promote conversation. Video Link Video Summary Discussion Questions for Teacher PLTs Discussion Questions for Faculty Meetings Extra background material or extension activities Total time commitment – 13 minutes


28 Take Time Now to Rank These Websites 1)Rank each website according to personal interest – High (H), Medium (M), and Low (L) How much interest do you have in taking a closer look at these websites? High – spend more time on this Medium – quickly breeze through the site Low – move on 2) Let us view the websites and resources according to your interest level 3)Small group discussion of how the information and resources from these websites can be used in your current work Let peer conversation help you clarify your thinking, and receive great ideas from a colleague on how to implement the CCRS.



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40 Take Time Now to Rank These Websites 1)Rank each website according to personal interest – High (H), Medium (M), and Low (L) How much interest do you have in taking a closer look at these websites? High – spend more time on this Medium – quickly breeze through the site Low – move on 2) Let us view the websites and resources according to your interest level 3)Small group discussion of how the information and resources from these websites can be used in your current work Let peer conversation help you clarify your thinking, and receive great ideas from a colleague on how to implement the CCRS.

41 Questions and Answers ?????

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