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Earthquakes What is an earthquake? E arthquakes start by the plates underneath the ground. W hen earthquakes start they have a humongous shake that can.

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2 Earthquakes

3 What is an earthquake? E arthquakes start by the plates underneath the ground. W hen earthquakes start they have a humongous shake that can cause up to over 5.0 magnitude.

4 What dose earthquake mean??? T he word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event weather a natural phenomenon (an observable fact or an event) caused by humans – that generates seismic waves. E arthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of geological faults, but also by volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts and nuclear experiments.

5 Where do earthquakes occur? N o part of the Earth's surface is free from earthquakes, but some regions experience them more often. T hey are most common at tectonic plate boundaries where different plates meet. T he largest events usually happen where two plates are smashing, particularly around the edge of the Pacific Plate in New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Japan and the Americas.

6 Types of earthquakes Earthquake fault types N ormal and the thrust faulting are examples of dip slip, where the displacement along the fault is in the direction of dip and movement on them involves a vertical component. S trike-slip faults are steep structures where the two sides of the fault slip horizontally past each other transform boundaries are a particular type of strike-slip fault.

7 How are earthquakes detected? A n earthquake, one of the most dreaded natural disasters, is technically a seismic event that generates seismic waves causing the ground to vibrate. A n earthquake occurs as a result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust creating seismic waves. W e all are aware of the fact that high-intensity earthquakes can result in a massive destruction of life and property.

8 How do we measure an earthquake? S cientists measure the earthquake. T hey measure it by something called a Richter scale. How dose it work? T he Richter scale is on a table, when an earthquake start it starts shaking by the table and it prints a squiggly line. A n if It Is big it means it is going to go up and down a lot.

9 How to stay safe from an earthquake W hen it is a small earthquake just stay underneath a desk. W hen it is a big earthquake go near a wall and stay calm.

10 Did you know? On average, the Earth experiences each year One earthquake of magnitude.8 Ten earthquakes of magnitude.7 Ten hundred earthquakes of magnitude 6

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