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Agriculture Policy Researches Sub-Sector Working Group Uplands Development (SSWGUp) 24 June 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Agriculture Policy Researches Sub-Sector Working Group Uplands Development (SSWGUp) 24 June 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agriculture Policy Researches Sub-Sector Working Group Uplands Development (SSWGUp) 24 June 2014

2 Research channels Policy Think Thank AGRI-NET (Open call, LARF-NUDP, VIP) LARF Others…

3 Challenges Lack of infrastructure and facilities for some basic research, Limitation of technical specialist, to ensure the quality of research A lot of uplands research done and on-going but not systematically disseminated Upland research scattered and not coordinated especially with PRC Research rarely presents clear policy recommendations for policy makers However, with an assistance from NUDP and Policy Think Tank Together we can!

4 Upland research

5 Upland research (NUDP) 1.Food security and nutrition in NU of Lao PDR: case studies in upland areas of LPQ, HP, PSL 2.Collection of data on gender issues and information about gender discrimination in agriculture and forestry in 6 provinces 3.Shifting cultivation in Laos: transition in policy and perspective 4.Cash crop production: case study of smallholder corn production and its impact on rice sufficiency 5.Role of rural women in the income generation through livestock production and trade in Luang prabang province, northern of Lao PDR

6 Synthesis of policy recommendations on food and nutrition security Nearly all commercial crops are grown for domestic and export markets. Few are grown for local human consumption. Consequently, the contribution that cash crops make to food security arises from their impact on income. However, it needs more: Measures for price stability, especially in the corn market. Measures and mechanism to stabilize the rice supply.

7 Synthesis of policy recommendations on food and nutrition security Promote the consumption of diversified foods rather than one or two food items. Provide incentives for the rearing of livestock and food crops (vegetables). Adequate education on the nutritional contents of different food items and requisite cooking practices. Activities that address malnutrition should take into consideration differences across ethnic groups for specific nutritional outcomes.

8 Synthesis of policy recommendations on agriculture commercialization FOs should be promoted and facilitate access to markets for smallholder farmers. Ensure agriculture production (ensure supply side in term of quantity and quality (2Q) to meet the demand) Support establishment of local markets. DAFO should facilitate win-win contract farming.

9 Synthesis of policy recommendations on shifting cultivation Link reduced shifting cultivation with food security and economic growth by making sustainable alternative livelihoods available. Rotational upland rice cultivation is acceptable, unless other rotating with other crops is possible. Stabilization of shifting cultivation in agreed designated areas is preferred over eradication. Policies to regulate shifting cultivation should depend on the local physical area.

10 Synthesis of policy recommendations on land administration and management Land concessions should ensure benefits to famers in the vicinity of concession areas and should not impact on farmers’ agriculture lands Agricultural concession periods should depend on plantation (e.g., rubber 35 yr.) Any land reallocation in the village should give priority to families with less land Land certificates should be issued to all land occupants

11 Synthesis of policy recommendations on gender mainstreaming in agriculture Additional training is needed at all levels of government on the perception of the significance of gender issues in terms of agriculture development Women should be provided with equal opportunities for developing their skills Women should be involved in decision- making processes

12 Synthesis of policy recommendations on sustainable natural resources management Natural resources and local environments should be conserved to maintain crop yields Regulations should be reviewed to improve management and collection of NTFPs

13 Thank you

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