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AliceCindyEvaJoan V S. Online users’ preferences on search engines.

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Presentation on theme: "AliceCindyEvaJoan V S. Online users’ preferences on search engines."— Presentation transcript:

1 AliceCindyEvaJoan V S. Online users’ preferences on search engines.

2 l. Introduction II. Thesis A. Literature Review B. Method C. Data Analysis and Discussion III. Conclusion IV. References Outline

3 Google and Yahoo are two of the most commonly used search engines in Taiwan. So we want to know more about the differences between them. Introduction A. Motivation

4 What are the differences in revenue sources between Yahoo and Google? RQ1 What do people care about on search engine? RQ2 B. Research Question

5 Thesis A. Literature review Search engineHomepage layoutSearch result GoogleCleanIndividual web pages YahooMany ADsMostly websites

6 Age (years old )Number 0~20106 20~4070 Over 4041 2. Participants : 217 are valid B. Method 1. Instruments

7 C. Data analysis and discussion RQ1:What are the differences in revenue sources between Yahoo and Google? Discussion: 1.Revenues 2.Web pages presentation

8 C. Data analysis and discussion RQ2: What do people care about on search engine? Habit Advertising layout Search result

9 C. Data analysis and discussion





14 Conclusion GoogleMore informationWeb application YahooKeyword-relatedClassification GoogleClean homepageNo pop-up ads YahooProducts and services sectionHandy Homepage layout Search result

15 Conclusion Revenue sources Management model Users’ preferences

16 王曉玟 (2013) 。愛他、怕他、利用他 ── 直擊 Google 五大據點。天下雜誌 雙周刊 (2013/12/11 ~ 2013/12/24) 劉祥亞 (2011) 。 Yahoo 甚麼都有,甚麼都奇怪。 SEO 搜尋排名 (2012) 。台灣眾多的上網人口中,最常使用的搜尋引擎。 取自 作者不詳。 Yahoo 網站排名優化技巧。取自 張勇 (2014) 。阿里市值美科技股第四首日即超亞馬遜和 eBay 之和。取自 林后奕、林子翔、林延澄 (2010) 。探討搜尋引擎 Yahoo 和 Google 之差異 性。取自 張志偉 (2000) 。 YAHOO! : 雅虎稱霸網際網路精彩傳奇。 References

17 Thank you for listening ! The End

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