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Tree of Life. Introduction Theōria Ephrem Syrus (the Syrian), 4th century; see Sebastian Brock, The Luminous Eye: The Spiritual World of St. Ephrem (1985;

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Presentation on theme: "Tree of Life. Introduction Theōria Ephrem Syrus (the Syrian), 4th century; see Sebastian Brock, The Luminous Eye: The Spiritual World of St. Ephrem (1985;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tree of Life

2 Introduction Theōria Ephrem Syrus (the Syrian), 4th century; see Sebastian Brock, The Luminous Eye: The Spiritual World of St. Ephrem (1985; republished Collegeville, MN: Cistercian Publications, 1992) Gregory of Nazianus and Gregory of Nyssa, fourth century – the Cappadocians Wesleyan Quadrilateral


4 Cross as Tree Irenaeus, Against Heresies xylon Genesis 40.19, Joshua 8.29, 10.26, etc. Acts 3.31, 10.39, I Peter 2.24. Deuteronomy 21.22-3, 27.26. Gal.3.13. Justin, Dialogue with Trypho 86, Tertullian, Against the Jews 10.

5 Two Trees Genesis 3.22-4 Genesis 2.16-17, 3.2-3, 2.9. Peter Thacker Lanfer, Remembering Eden. The Reception history of Genesis 3:22-24 (OUP 2012) Tryggve N. D. Messinger, the Eden Narrative. A Literary and Religio-Historical Study of Genesis 2-3 (Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns 2007)

6 Epic of Gilgamesh Myth of Adapa Theodoret, Questions on Genesis, 5 th century Ephrem Syrus, Hymns on Paradise; ET Sebastian Brock, published by St Vladimir’s Seminary

7 References Proverbs 3.18, 11.20, 15.4, 13.12. Psalm 1 & Matthew 7.17-20 Psalms of Solomon 14.3-4 Letter of Aristeas Aramaic Targum Neofiti I Enoch 10.18-22 IV Ezra 7.123 & 8.52 Revelation 2.7 & 22.1-2

8 Irenaeus, Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching Hippolytus, Paschal Homily










18 The Tree in the Middle Ages The Tree. Symbol, Allegory and Mnemonic Device in Medieval Art and Thought, edited by Pippa Salonius and Andrea Worm (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols 2014) Annamieke R. Verboon, ‘The Medieval Tree of Porphyry, an Organic Structure of logic.’ Marie-Pierre Gelin, ‘Stirps Jesse in capite ecclesiae: Iconographic and Liturgical Readings of the Tree of Jesse in Stained Glass Windows.’



21 Bonaventure, Lignum Vitae, ET in Classics of Western Civilisation series. Pippa Salonius, ‘Arbor Jesse – Lignum Vitae: The Tree of Jesse, the Tree of Life, and the Mendicants in Late Medieval Orvieto.’ Ulrike Ilg, Quasi Lignum Vitae: The Tree of Life as an Image of Mendicant Identity.’


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