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Business Enterprise Integration Directorate

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1 Business Enterprise Integration Directorate
Defense Installations Spatial Data Infrastructure Community of Interest Forum David LaBranche, P.E. Program Manager, DISDI Business Enterprise Integration Directorate ODUSD(I&E) 8 April, 2009

2 The Defense Installation SDI Program & COI, 2009
Agenda The Defense Installation SDI Program & COI, 2009 History Vision Goals How the DISDI COI is Structured for Mission Success New IGI&S Standards DISDI COI Initiatives New CONOPS (proposed) Q&A I’ll start with a status report on where the DISDI Program is at My premise: I don’t have all the answers, so if I tell you how I’m organized maybe you can offer ideas, improvements, find touch points

3 Data Sharing and Net-Centricity
How do we ensure that everyone will understand what we say? (Common Vocabulary) What do we publish about it so that everyone can discover it? (Metadata Interfaces) (THIS SLIDE HAS 4 BUILDS IN IT…) BASE SLIDE: BUILD 1: BUILD 2: BUILD 3: How do we say it so that everyone can access/use it? (Service Interfaces) Geospatial Intelligence Knowledge Base (GKB) DoD Directive , 2 December 2004: corres/pdf/d83202_120204/d83202p.pdf

4 2005 – Year of Discover (Col. Cullis)
The Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure Program: A Brief Retrospective 2005 – Year of Discover (Col. Cullis) IGI&S Inventory, DISDI Portal, DISDI COI Established 2006 – Year of Alignment (Col. Cullis/Col. Tinsley) NGA Coordination Begins SDSFIE Proponency Shift 2007 – Alignment & Demonstration (Col. Tinsley) DISDI Group Established Land Asset Mapping Pilot, EL Process Pilot Build Communities of Interest 2008 – Demonstration & Implementation (Mr. LaBranche) DISDI Geospatial Metadata Profile SDSFIE 3.0 Development & Implementation Strategy

5 A 2009 Vision Statement for the Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure (DISDI)
“To provide authoritative, cost-effective defense installation geospatial information and services for fact-based decision making across the DoD spectrum of operations.” “The DISDI comprises a federated mission capability of the people, policies, and practices necessary to acquire, steward, and share installation, environmental, and range geospatial data assets for defense, federal, and national goals.” Our vision remains focused on eventually achieving a To Be state of fully integrated in the NSDI, as well as the GIG Working to integrate the business side of DoD mapping into the fabric of the warfighting mission. By focusing on the fundamental principles of cultural change within the DoD, policies can be developed to better support the existing business practices of the people who have to support the mission.

6 The Outcome of the DISDI Vision
A Common Operating Picture Built on Complementary Roles new term SIP / CIP / UDOP* Unclassified Installation Imagery Installation Situational Awareness Installation Geospatial Information & Services Business Mission Area Imagery Imagery Imagery Imagery Imagery Imagery Geospatial Geospatial Geospatial Geospatial Geospatial Geospatial Imagery Imagery Imagery Imagery Imagery Imagery Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Information Information Information Information Information Information Intelligence and Warfighting Mission Areas *SIP: Strategic Installation Picture CIP: Common Installation Picture UDOP: User-Defined Operating Picture Geospatial Geospatial Geospatial Geospatial Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence

7 DISDI Governance and the GIG
Installations & Environment Domain Governance Board (I&E DGB) IGI&S COMMUNITY GEOINT WORKING GROUP (GWG) DISDI Group (DISDIG) ODUSD(I&E) BEI Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure Program Manager Director, RE & Fac., WHS HQNAVFAC, US Navy (GeoReadiness) Asst Dep Comdt, (I&L)(F), US Marine Corps (GeoFidelis) Headquarters, US Army Corps of Engineers ACSIM, US Army (Army IGI&S) Air Force Civil Engineer (IGI&S) GLOBAL INFORMATION GRID DISDI WORKING GROUPS DoD NII/CIO DISDI CoI SUPPORT GLOBAL INFORMATION GRID

8 The DISDI Program Manager – Responsibilities
Leadership within BEI: INFOSEC and OPSEC guidance and policy IGI&S Policy and Guidance Inter-agency Coordination, Federal Outreach Leadership of DISDI Group Functions: Portfolio Management: Assure existing I&E spatial information resources are identified, qualified, catalogued, and published Preclude wasteful or redundant acquisitions Architecture Configuration: Assure spatial technology solutions comply with NSG and BEA, to include spatial data standards and metadata standards Geo-enable I&E business processes in a coordinated manner, aligned with the Business Enterprise Architecture Oversee the implementation of the SDSFIE My Goal: Make the “Defense Installation SDI” a reality Now backed by DUSD(I&E) policy

9 I&E Spatial Data Governance Framework
I&E Domain Governance Board We need a governance process for standards and sharing SOURCE: Adapted from ASD(NII/CIO) Information Sharing Strategy, and implementation guidance document titled “Federated Governance of Information Sharing Within the Extended Enterprise”

10 Current Drivers & Priorities for DISDI COI
Federal Level Drivers EO and OMB Circular A-16 (2002) Federal Enterprise Architecture DoD Cross-Mission Area Drivers GEOINT Functional Manager coordination DoD CIO Enterprise Governance Board Enterprise Transition Plan (Sep 08) DoD Business Enterprise Priorities Business Enterprise Architecture v 6.0 (Mar 09) Real Property Inventory Initiative Environmental Liabilities Initiative I&E Domain Governance Board DISDI and Installation Geospatial Information & Services Priorities IGI&S Guidance Memorandum (policy) Existing Service policies for IGI&S, data proponency, IT investments

11 I & E Spatial Standards Sources
FGDC EO 12906: Federal guidance directing FGDC standards compliance EO 12333: Designates DoD functional manager for GEOINT I&E DGB: DISDI Group Defense Geospatial Metadata Profile (DGMP) Spatial Data Standard for Facilities, Infrastructure and Environment (SDSFIE) ISO-based, OGC compatible, conformal with GSIP and A-16, derived from I&E business requirements DISDI Group GEOINT

12 Geospatial Metadata Harmonization
Migrate Business Mission Area CSDGM Metadata to ISO AND support ALL DoD metadata reporting requirements with a new DISDI Metadata Profile DDMS IVT Army Navy Air Force Marines NGA CSDGM A new metadata standard is on the horizon for the I&E Business Mission Area In an effort to align with DoD Data Sharing strategies that help to make our geospatial information discoverable, accessible, and understandable, the DISDI Group’s DMWG has worked towards harmonizing metadata requirements across the Components, the NGA, and the FGDC in conjunction with ISO and 19139 A major undertaking to ensure existing metadata investments in the Content Standard for Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) are leveraged. The result of this effort will result in a profile of ISO IVT DDMS Common Core DISDI Metadata Profile

13 DISDI Geospatial Metadata Profile Status
DGMP Specification 1.0 DGMP Translation Tool Imagery Metadata DGMP Authoring Tool DoD-specific profile of ISO 19115 Tool translates from CSDGM to DGMP ISO to be profiled for imagery metadata Automation tool to support DGMP metadata creation Aug 2008 Aug 2008 Aug 2009 Fall 2009

14 The Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE)
5 year VISION: SDSFIE will become the single DoD spatial standard that supports common implementation and maximizes interoperability for installations, Environmental and Civil Works Missions. Goals: 1 Advance and maintain the standard in order to achieve interoperability for both data and systems, using accepted industry practices. 2 Align SDSFIE with functional community mission requirements and the DOD Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA). 3 Implement a coordinated SDSFIE program management process. 4 Educate, train, and support the implementation of the SDSFIE within the user community. 5 Promote SDSFIE adoption DOD-wide.

15 3.0 3.x A Programmatic View of the Evolution of the SDSFIE
? 3.0 3.x Implementation Approval Sustainment LDM Development Transition “Future” Pre-LDM “DISDIG Strategy for the Development and Implementation of SDSFIE 3.0” Next steps… LDM: Logical Data Model

16 Transforming the Business – Real Property Inventory Mapping Pilot
Goal: Pilot the creation of an authoritative geospatial database for Real Property Site and Parcel data, which can be linked to the RPUID Registry Mapping Legal Boundaries is a Key Part of the RPI Based on land descriptions from Tract Maps, Summary Maps, Deeds, or other Acquisition Records Entered via Digitization or Coordinate Geometry (COGO) Two phases of pilot prototyping; 75+ installations or sites

17 Geo-Enabling Real Property Data Using Spatial Data Standards
Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure and Environment (SDSFIE)

18 Business Enterprise Priorities Recognition, Valuation,
Geo-enabling the Business Enterprise Priorities DoD Business Enterprise Priorities Financial Visibility Acquisition Visibility Material Visibility Personnel Visibility Common Supplier Engagement Real Property Accountability RPILM Core Business Mission Area Capabilities Real Property Inventory Real Property Acceptance Environmental Liabilities Recognition, Valuation, & Reporting MAPPED e.g. DERP Sites vs Parcels Sites and Land Parcels Dover AFB, DE Site Boundaries (owned) (non-owned) THIS SLIDE HAS A BUILD (1 CLICK) – IMAGES AT BOTTOM AND ‘MAPPED’ ARROWS APPEAR

19 New DISDI CONOPS (proposed)
Requirements Communities of Interest Service Oriented Architecture Framework User Access Enterprise Service Bus DoD Discovery Catalog, DoD Metadata Registry, DoD Service Registry NEW: Geospatial Visualization Services (TBD) Enterprise Content Delivery Network DISDI Component IGI&S Other Federal Agencies Homeland Defense DoD Agencies

20 Expectations from DoD I&E Leadership
IGI&S Data is DoD Data – Leverage the Investment DoD CIO guidance, DoDD Net-Centric Data Strategy requires that we Make Data Visible, Accessible, and Understandable OSD and Service Headquarters staff rely on IGI&S community to steward and share data responsibly Balance business requirements with GEOINT, FGDC requirements Data Visibility? DISDI Portal Data Accessibility? Governance and Role-Based Access Tools Data Understandability? Standards -> DISR, DoD MDR Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE) DISDI Geospatial Metadata Profile (DGMP) (ISO based) The Bottom Line: Leaders Need Seamless Access to Authoritative Installation Information for Fact-Based Decision Making

21 Web site and DISDI Portal:
Questions? Web site and DISDI Portal: Mr. David LaBranche, P.E. Program Manager Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure (DISDI) Office of the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Installations & Environment, Business Enterprise Integration Directorate ODUSD(I&E) BEI

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