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Bermuda. The Bermuda Triangle is a very real place where dozen of ships, planes and people have disappeared with no good explanation. The Bermuda Triangle.

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Presentation on theme: "Bermuda. The Bermuda Triangle is a very real place where dozen of ships, planes and people have disappeared with no good explanation. The Bermuda Triangle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bermuda

2 The Bermuda Triangle is a very real place where dozen of ships, planes and people have disappeared with no good explanation. The Bermuda Triangle covers roughly 500,000 square miles in the Atlantic Ocean.

3 The U.S. Navy Avengers Flight 19 disappeared in the vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle. The flight path of the doomed Flight 19.

4 Many U.S. military planes disappeared in the vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle. Commercial flight NC-16002 also disappeared in the Triangle vicinity.

5 This is all that remained of the S.S. Supher Queen.

6 Many books try to explain the happenings inside the Bermuda Triangle.

7 Summarize Worksheet “A” 1-6 Read worksheet “A” 1-6 on the Bermuda Triangle, use the graphic organizer to summarize 1-6. We will discuss your reaction(s) to the worksheet “A”. Support your reaction with supporting details directly from text when discussing with partners. Now summarize in at least 4-5 complete sentences in the large circle on the graphic organizer.

8 Worksheet “A” 1-6: I’ve become skeptical of this article because: The author says that 100 ships go down in the triangle each year, but doesn’t tell say the # of ships that travel the area/year, or compare the # of sinkings in other parts of the ocean In paragraph 5 the author uses the “leading question” technique, hinting that pilot Cosner had a premonition of doom and chose not to fly-- read this part again …. maybe the pilot just had the flu?? The author suggests the Navy is covering something up but does not support his/her theory-- perhaps the Navy hasn’t bothered to deny his theory because it’s so ridiculous?

9 Other Red Flags: “….about one hundred ships and many airplanes” “It is common knowledge among commercial pilots…” As you read 1-6 and summarize, What other details bring up red flags for you?

10 Next HW: Read the “relevant information” sheet on the back of worksheet “A” Use the PROP method for finding relevant information 1-18. There are 7 good pieces of evidence, your job is to find each of the 7. Underline the Tomorrow we will go through the PROP method on a chart. EX #9: P- Primary observers say debris found with serial numbers of the KC-135 jet tankers… R- No reason to lie, serial numbers on KC-135 jet tankers O- Both the jet tankers with serial numbers, more than one observer (observers say) P- public knowledge by observers of debris

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