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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 George Washington Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson Political Parties Foreign Policy.

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4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 George Washington Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson Political Parties Foreign Policy

6 What were two key precedents (examples of the unwritten constitution) established by George Washington during his presidency? A 100

7 A foreign policy of neutrality and the use of presidential advisors (his cabinet). Others include the two term tradition and serving as the head of his or her political party. A 100

8 How did President George Washington’s Farewell Address influence future United States leaders in regards to foreign policy ? A 200

9 His Farewell Address advised them to practice neutrality toward international conflicts. A 200

10 Which action during Washington’s administration led to the Whiskey Rebellion in western Pennsylvania? (1) passage of a new excise tax (2) establishment of a presidential cabinet (3) creation of the Bank of the United States (4) ban on slavery in the Northwest Territory A 300

11 (1) passage of a new excise tax A 300

12 Conflicts between Jeffersonians and Hamiltonians during President George Washington’s first administration led directly to the (1) end of the Era of Good Feelings (2) decision to replace the Articles of Confederation (3) addition of the elastic clause to the Constitution (4) start of the first political parties A 400

13 (4) start of the first political parties A 400

14 President George Washington’s principle reason for issuing the Proclamation of Neutrality (1793) was to (1) repay France for help in the Revolutionary War (2) protect United States interests in the Caribbean area (3) safeguard the newly won independence (4) punish the British for failing to withdraw from American territory A 500

15 (3) safeguard the newly won independence A 500

16 Alexander Hamilton urged Congress to pass a protective tariff to encourage the growth of (1) labor unions (2) manufacturing (3) agriculture (4) slavery B 100

17 (2) manufacturing B 100

18 Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan helped to establish the credit of the United States government by (1) providing for the payment of the nation’s debts (2) taxing only the people most able to pay (3) favoring agriculture over industry (4) encouraging spending for national defense B 200

19 (1) providing for the payment of the nation’s debts B 200

20 Most historians consider Alexander Hamilton to have been a successful Secretary of the Treasury because he (1) expanded trade with all nations (2) established a sound financial plan for the new nation (3) eliminated tariffs between the states (4) opposed payment of previous federal government debts B 300

21 (2) established a sound financial plan for the new nation B 300

22 Which proposal was included in Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton’s financial plans in the 1790s? (1) incentives to encourage agricultural growth (2) creation of a national bank (3) direct taxes on the states to support government operations (4) free trade with other nations B 400

23 (2) creation of a national bank B 400

24 One major reason that Alexander Hamilton proposed a national bank was to (1) improve the economic position of the United States government (2) help state governments collect taxes (3) make loans available to owners of small farms (4) reduce foreign investment in the United States B 500

25 (1) improve the economic position of the United States government B 500

26 What belief did President Thomas Jefferson demonstrate he had modified when he acquired the Louisiana Territory from France? C 100

27 His belief that the Constitution should be strictly interpreted. C 100

28 As a strict constructionist, President Thomas Jefferson questioned the constitutional right to (1) receive diplomats from foreign nations (2) purchase the Louisiana Territory (3) grant pardons to convicted criminals (4)veto legislation passed by Congress C 200

29 (2) purchase the Louisiana Territory C 200

30 One reason James Madison and Thomas Jefferson objected to Alexander Hamilton’s financial policies was that they believed (1) the establishment of a national bank was unconstitutional (2) a laissez-faire policy would not help the country’s economy (3) the government should encourage industrial development (4) high tariffs were needed to protect America’s interests C 300

31 (1) the establishment of a national bank was unconstitutional C 300


33 The Louisiana Purchase (1803) was a foreign policy success for the United States primarily because it (1) secured full control of Florida from Spain (2) ended French control of the Mississippi River (3) ended British occupation of forts on American soil (4) eliminated Russian influence in North America C 400

34 (2) ended French control of the Mississippi River C 400

35 What was a major foreign policy success of President Thomas Jefferson’s administration? C 500

36 The purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803. C 500

37 One factor that led to the formation of first two political parties in the United States in the 1790s was the conflict over the (1) distribution of power between the federal and state governments (2) spread of slavery into the western territories (3) control of interstate commerce (4) acquisition of lands from France and Spain D 100

38 (1) distribution of power between the federal and state governments D 100

39 Alien and Sedition Acts Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions These pieces of legislation reflected the conflict between (1) Congress and the president (2) states’ rights and federal supremacy (3) the military and the civilian government (4) the United States Supreme Court and state courts D 200

40 (2) states’ rights and federal supremacy D 200

41 On what grounds would strict constructionists of the United States Constitution have questioned the purchase of the Louisiana Territory? (1) It violated the guarantee of states’ rights. (2) The president was not specifically given the power to purchase new land. (3) Congress was opposed to expansion west of the Mississippi River. (4) The Constitution applied only to the original thirteen states. D 300

42 (2) The president was not specifically given the power to purchase new land. D 300

43 Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe were all members of what political party? D 400

44 The Democratic-Republicans D 400

45 George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, and John Marshall were all members of what political party? D 500

46 The Federalists D 500

47 A major reason for the issuance of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was to (1) discourage United States trade with Latin America (2) defend the Panama Canal from Great Britain (3) prevent further European colonization in the Caribbean region (4) provide economic aid to Latin American nations E 100

48 (3) prevent further European colonization in the Caribbean region E 100

49 What was one similarity in the foreign policies of Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe? E 200

50 They all sought to avoid involvement in European political struggles. E 200

51 In his Farewell Address, President George Washington advised the nation to avoid permanent alliances because he believed that the United States (1) would risk its security by involvement in European affairs (2) had no need for the products or markets of Europe (3) possessed military power superior to any European nation (4) needed to limit European immigration E 300

52 (1) would risk its security by involvement in European affairs E 300

53 Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality (1793), Jefferson’s Embargo Act (1807), and the Monroe Doctrine (1823) were all efforts to (1) avoid political conflicts with European nations (2) directly support European revolutions (3) aid Great Britain in its war against France (4) promote military alliances E 400

54 (1) avoid political conflicts with European nations E 400

55 Most tariffs in the 19th century were intended to (1) allow access to cheap foreign imports (2) raise revenue and protect domestic manufacturing (3) redistribute wealth among the social classes (4) limit American exports E 500

56 (2) raise revenue and protect domestic manufacturing E 500

57 F 100


59 F 200


61 F 300


63 F 400


65 F 500


67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Primary Sources Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

68 Which of the following would be an example of a primary source of information about the War of 1812? (1) battle plan for the attack on Fort McHenry (2) historical novel on the Battle of New Orleans (3) movie on the life of President James Madison (4) textbook passage on the naval engagements of the war Click on screen to continue

69 (1) battle plan for the attack on Fort McHenry Click on screen to continue

70 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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