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Discrete Techniques Chapter 7 Begun February 22, 2005 Finished April 26, 2005.

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1 Discrete Techniques Chapter 7 Begun February 22, 2005 Finished April 26, 2005

2 Buffers  Frame buffer consists of  Front color buffer  Back color buffer  Depth buffer  Each buffer has the dimensions (n x m) of the display window.  The depth (k) of each buffer can vary. For RGB, it would be the number of bits per color X 3 colors.  Bitplane refers to any of the k n x m planes.

3 Digital Images  Glubyte myColorImage [512][512][3];  Glubyte myGrayImage [512][512];  Glubyte myLUTImage [512][512], red[256], green[256], blue[256];

4 Creating Digital Images  With an algorithm.  From data.  From standard image formats.  GIF  TIFF  PS  EPS  JPEG  OpenGL does not support image formats.  From graphics system.

5 Writing Into Buffers  Bitblt write operation  Write_block(  source /* buffer */,  n /* nrows */,  m /* ncols */,  x /* lower left x pos */,  y /* lower left y pos */,  destination /* buffer */,  u /* destination pos x */,  v /* destination pos y */);

6 Writing Modes  Define write  Simple assignment  x1 = x2  Replacement function  d = f(d, s)

7 Writing With XOR  Most interesting function  Painting Application  S  S xor M  M  S xor M  S  S xor M

8 Bit and Pixel Operations in OpenGL  Defines an internal cursor  glRasterPos3f(x, y, z);  glBitmap(width, /* # bits wide */ height, /* # bits high */ x0, /*offset from current raster position */ y0, /* offset from current rster position */ xi, /* x increment */ Xy, /* y increment */

9 Raster Fonts

10 Pixels and Images

11 Lookup Tables

12 Buffers for Picking

13 Mapping Methods

14 Texture Mapping

15 2D Texture Mapping

16 Texture Mapping in OpenGL

17 Texture Objects and Multitexturing

18 Texture Generation

19 Environmental Maps

20 Bump Maps

21 Compositing Techniques

22 Opacity and Blending

23 Image Compositing

24 Blending and Compositing in OpenGL

25 Antialiasing

26 Back-to-front and Front-to- back Rendering

27 Depth Cue and Fog

28 Multirendering and the Accumulation Buffer

29 Scene Antialiasing

30 Bump Mapping and Embossing

31 Image Processing

32 Image Extensions

33 Other Multipass Methods

34 Sampling and Antialiasing

35 Sampling Theory

36 Reconstruction

37 Quantization  Each sample must be quantized into k discrete levels.  Analog Scale - whole number of lbs  Image - pixel color  Binary image - two colors, b/w 

38 Program 4  Due March 3, 2005  Documentation 10%  Style 10%  Compiles 30%  Graphic Output 10%

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