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Introduction to cosmology Today results on dark energy Future experiments Search for dark energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to cosmology Today results on dark energy Future experiments Search for dark energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to cosmology Today results on dark energy Future experiments Search for dark energy

2 Introduction to cosmology(1) Univers is described by general relativity: Geometry of Universe is fully described by its energy content: Critical total energy density for which Universe is spatially flat Matter relative energy density Radiation relative energy density Total relative energy density Cosmological constant or vacuum relative energy density

3 Introduction to cosmology(2) Each cosmological fluid is characterized by a state equation: The Hubble parameter (expansion rate) reads simply: w 0 =0 w 1 =0 w 0 =1/3 w 1 =0 w 0 =-1/3 w 1 =0 w 0 =? w 1 =? With Supernovae the Hubble parameter can be measure through the magnitude z=redshift Dark energy w 0 =-1 w 1 =0

4 The last SN1a result: Vacuum density energy non zero

5 2002: clusters 2003: WMAP 2003 :SCP+ 11 SNIa HST 1999: SCP/ High z Today status:The concordance model

6 SNAP Après l’inflation l’expansion expansion SNFactory (300 SNe) CFHTLS (700 SNe) Mesure de w a 10 % (limitation sol) SNAP (2000 SNe) mesure w à 0.02 et w 1 à 0.1 What can we expect for the future(SNLS/SNAP)

7 dataanalysisphysics The SN method Images Spectra + identification. Ia magnitude z(redshift) galaxy Hubble SN1a=Are considered as standard candle

8 With which instrument ? SNAP 2014: USA/French coll.







15 shutter Focal plane Spectrograph electronics

16 Focal plane: Light curve spectrographe 0.61 Gigapixel 36 CCD’s 10.5  m 3.5 x 3.5k ( 0.34 sq. deg.) 36 HgCdTe’s 18  m l 2k x 2k ( 0.34 sq. deg.)

17 Sky scan

18 Spectrograph

19 x y Cutting out on the slices x y Re-arrangement dispersion Pixelised image in 3 dimensions -Whole light conservd -no slit to position - very stable stable -easy to calibrate => adapted for space SNAP original spectrograph

20 Expected SNAP results for SN

21 flat Stat seule 68 % Simulation cppm Comparative results

22 Weak Lensing by Large-Scale Structure Distortion Matrix:  Direct measure of the distribution of Dark Matter in the universe

23 Weak Lensing + CMB Expected results for SNAP

24 Contrôle des systématiques et des dégénérescences Combiner avec d’autres méthodes cisaillement gravitationnel (WL) CMB In number… hypothèse

25 Summary New questions are now opened: Can we believe that 70% of Universe energy is unknown ? What is the nature of dark energy ? Ground experiment will probably give a confirmation of the first point But only a space telescope will be able to gives answer about the nature of dark energy. Otherwise, if CMB/WL/SN do not agree, it will mean that something is wrong in our understanding of cosmology or general relativity….

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