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Naming Compounds and Writing Formulas for Acids and Bases

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1 Naming Compounds and Writing Formulas for Acids and Bases

2 Professional Hillbilly Engineer Exam
Calculate the smallest limb diameter on a persimmon tree that will support a 10-pound possum.

3 Naming Acids and Bases: At the conclusion of our time together, you should be able to:
List 3 properties of acids and bases Name a binary and oxy- (ternary) acid Name a base

4 6 Types Of Chemical Compounds
Binary ionic metal ion – nonmetal ion Binary molecular two nonmetals Ternary ionic - at least one ion is a polyatomic ion Binary acid - H – nonmetal Ternary acid - H – Polyatomic ion Base - metal ion – OH

5 Acids & Bases Their Properties

6 Properties of Acids Taste sour
Itchy on skin, will burn if concentrated Turns Blue litmus paper Red Red litmus paper stays Red Reacts with Base - Neutralization: Acid + Base  Salt + Water Ex: Vinegar, Citrus Fruit

7 Properties of Bases Taste Bitter Feel Slippery
Turns Red litmus paper Blue Blue litmus paper stays Blue Reacts with Acid - Neutralization: Acid + Base  Salt + Water Ex: Soap, Milk of Magnesia, Most Cleaners

8 Things You Can Learn From Your Dog!!
When your loved one comes home, run to greet him/her. Eat with gusto to show your appreciation for the meal.

9 The Fourth Category Of Compounds Is Binary Acids.
These compounds begin with hydrogen since they are “acids”. Attached to the hydrogen is a nonmetal ion Hydrogen – nonmetal ion

10 Binary means two elements
What are Binary Acids? Binary means two elements Naming All binary acids follow the pattern as shown next:

11 Naming Binary Acids Contain “H” and one other element (nonmetal)
To Name: Hydro + second element name shortened (stem) + ic + acid Ex: HCl = Hydro chlorine – ine + ic acid Hydrochloric acid HF = Hydroflouric acid

12 HCl is a binary acid – hydrogen - nonmetal
Stem or root of nonmetal Prefix Suffix Hydro- < NM > -ic acid HCl is a binary acid – hydrogen - nonmetal HCl Hydro chlor ic acid HI Hydro iod ic acid H2S Hydro sulfur ic acid

13 The Fifth Category Of Compounds Is Ternary Acids.
These compounds begin with hydrogen since they are “acids”. Attached to the hydrogen is a polyatomic ion Hydrogen – polyatomic ion

14 New Element On The Periodic Table
Element: Woman Symbol: Xx Atomic Mass: (More Or Less)

15 Naming Ternary (Oxy)Acids (cont.)
Contain “H”, “O” and one more element To Name: Polyatomic ion “ate”  “ic” + acid Ex: HNO3 = Nitr-ate  ic + acid Nitric acid HClO3 = Chloric acid An easy way to remember which goes with which… “In the cafeteria, you ATE something ICky”

16 Naming Acids (cont.) If the acid has one more oxygen than the base acid, the naming goes as followed: To Name: Per + Polyatomic ion “ate”  “ic” + acid Ex: HNO4 = Per + Nitr-ate  ic + acid Pernitric acid H2SO5 = Persulfuric acid

17 Naming Acids (cont.) If the acid has one less oxygen than the base acid, the naming goes as followed: To Name: Polyatomic ion “ite”  “ous” + acid Ex: HNO2 = Nitr-ite  ous + acid Nitrous acid H2SO3 = Sulfurous acid

18 Naming Acids (cont.) If the acid has two less oxygens than the base acid, the naming goes as followed: To Name: Hypo + Polyatomic ion “ite”  “ous” + acid Ex: HNO = Hypo + nitr-ite  ous + acid Hyponitrous acid HClO = Hypochlorous acid

19 New Element On The Periodic Table (cont.)
Physical Properties of Xx: Generally round in form. Boils at nothing and may freeze anytime. Melts whenever treated properly. Very bitter if not used well. Chemical Properties: Very active. Possesses strong affinity to gold, silver, platinum, and precious stones. Violent when left alone. Able to absorb great amount of exotic food. Turns slightly green when placed beside a better specimen. Ages rapidly.

20 Summary of Naming Ternary Acids

21 Acid Nomenclature Flowchart

22 Writing Acids This is a Ternary acid (does not begin with “hydro-”.
Phosphoric acid H3PO4 The “-ic” suffix indicates that the polyatomic ion in this acid has a suffix of “-ate” - phosphate Assume that hydrogen is +1 and balance the charges.

23 Writing Acids (cont.) Hypochlorous acid
This is a Ternary acid (does not begin with “hydro-”. H ClO-1 The “-ous” suffix indicates that the polyatomic ion in this acid has a suffix of “-ite” - hypochlorite HClO Assume that hydrogen is +1 and balance the charges.

24 New Element On The Periodic Table (cont.)
Usage of Xx: Highly ornamental. An extremely good catalyst for disintegration of wealth. Probably the single most powerful income reducing agent known. Caution: Highly explosive in inexperienced hands.

25 Naming Bases Name the metal first Add hydroxide
Ex: NaOH = Sodium hydroxide KOH = Potassium hydroxide

26 Practice Naming Bases Formula Name NaOH Fe(OH)3 Mg(OH)2 Ni(OH)2 NH4OH
Sodium hydroxide Iron (III) hydroxide Magnesium hydroxide Nickel (II) hydroxide Ammonium hydroxide

27 Naming Acids and Bases: At the conclusion of our time together, you should be able to:
List 3 properties of acids and bases Name a binary and oxy- (ternary) acid Name a base

28 Chemical Compound Quiz
Hypochlorous acid helps get the laundry white and bright. What is the common name? Bleach

29 Summary of Naming Ternary Acids

30 Acid Nomenclature Flowchart

31 Exit Quiz Naming Bases Formula Name LiOH Mn(OH)3 Ca(OH)2 Cu(OH)2 KOH
Lithium hydroxide Manganese (III) hydroxide Calcium hydroxide Copper (II) hydroxide Potassium hydroxide

32 Exit Quiz Naming Acids Acid Name H2SO5 H2SO4 H2SO3 H2SO2
Persulfuric acid Sulfuric acid Sulfurous acid Hyposulfurous acid

33 Exit Quiz Naming Acids Acid Name H2CO4 H2CO3 H2CO2 H4C
Percarbonic acid Carbonic acid Carbonous acid Hydrocarbonic acid

34 Exit Quiz Naming Acids Acid Name HCl HClO2 HClO HClO4
Hydrochloric acid Chlorous acid Hypochlorous acid Perchloric acid

35 Exit Quiz Naming Various Acids
Formula Binary or Ternary Name HCl B HI HNO2 T H2SO5 H3PO2 H4C Hydrochloric acid Hydroiodic acid Nitrous acid Persulfuric acid Hypophosphorous acid Hydrocarbonic acid

36 Redneck News: Down home in Hicksville, folks now go to some movies in groups of 18 or more. They were told 17 and under are not admitted.

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