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Open Borders Project The new Open Borders Project — A merger of the old Open Borders (Project 2) and Connecting and Discovering Content (Project 10)

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2 Open Borders Project

3 The new Open Borders Project — A merger of the old Open Borders (Project 2) and Connecting and Discovering Content (Project 10) — The common thread is seamless access to NSLA content by users — Trove provides the key infrastructure for: — making NSLA collection holdings visible and discoverable — improving state and territory-based discovery services — providing more seamless access to e-resources. 3

4 Trove — A powerful tool for the public to discover NSLA content including: — print collections — special collections (mss, pictures, etc.) — digitised Australian newspapers — the content of PANDORA — e-resources at article level (potentially) — and to discover content from other libraries, digitised collections and university repositories — and to discover biographical information. 4

5 — Trove has now made it possible for all Australian library collection content to be annotated by users — There is a need to define how this capability will mesh with Reimagining Libraries Project 5 — There is a need to develop a mechanism for two-way exchange of annotations between Trove and local library systems 5 Annotation issues

6 NSLA member content in Trove — This content is incomplete — Libraries Australia is the key pathway for contributing content — There are barriers to contributing some categories of content — Project 8 will be the vehicle for addressing these barriers 6

7 Project 2 deliverables — Trove prototype (May 2009) and production version (December 2009) — Plan for NSLA members to leverage off the Trove data store using an Application Programming Interface — Plan for pushing NSLA content into other spaces (eg Wikipedia) — E-resources deliverables 7

8 E-resources deliverables — Survey report on e-resource systems and capabilities (May 2009) — E-resource authentication discussion paper (December 2009) — Project Group decisions on authentication approach — Enhancement of Trove to support e-resource access (early 2011) 8

9 The e-resources vision — Users can discover, at article level, e-resources that meet their information need — If any of the libraries with which the user is affiliated subscribes to a product containing such an article, the user can easily click through to and read that article — The vision will be achieved through: — expansion of Trove to include article-level metadata — collaboration with e-resource vendors 9

10 The e-resources challenges — How can we ensure that only genuinely affiliated users gain access to the full text of the e-resource? — How can we support authentication of users who are off- site? — How can we ensure that public libraries (who often lack control over their IT facilities) are included in the authentication model? 10

11 Authentication issues [1] — On-site authentication is relatively straightforward: — but an on-site-only approach would fall short of users’ needs and would fail to realise the “multiple affiliated libraries” vision — Off-site authentication will be assisted by the deployment of EZproxy servers: — Trove links to the EZproxy server, the user is authenticated there and re-directed to the article URL — but Trove will need to build a database of EZproxy server addresses — many public libraries will never have EZproxy servers 11

12 Authentication issues [2] — To cover all public libraries we would need to: — build a database of public library login pages, with enough data to recognise what a successful login looks like — set Trove up to request user credentials, then “pretend to be a human being” and login at the relevant public library page — if the login is successful, connect to the vendor site, obtain the article and provide it to the user — gain the trust of e-resource vendors for this procedure. 12

13 The proposal — A staffing resource would work for 6 months to: — build a database of EZproxy servers and a prototype database of public library login pages — assist public libraries to implement EZproxy servers (where possible) — work with NSLA member libraries to settle on a process for maintaining and updating these databases — liaise with e-resource vendors on any authentication issues with the process 13

14 Next steps — Development of the e-resources component of Trove is likely to commence in August 2010 and will not be finished until early 2011 — The delivery of the Trove API (second half of 2010) will allow state and territory libraries to prototype new state- wide discovery services that leverage off Trove 14

15 Any questions? 15

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