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The Janus Project Alex Byrne Northern Territory University.

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Presentation on theme: "The Janus Project Alex Byrne Northern Territory University."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Janus Project Alex Byrne Northern Territory University

2 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University2 Janus Collaborative Information Centres t To develop a sustainable business model for a pilot Janus Centre which is intended to be the first in a network of collaborative information centres

3 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University3 Context t Burgeoning volume of publication t Proliferation of media t Declining purchasing power t Rapidly diminishing proportion captured by individual research libraries t Vastly enhanced access and delivery capabilities

4 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University4 Goals t Secure rapid access and delivery t Seek comprehensive access and delivery t Get a better return on investment

5 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University5 Technically Feasible t Internet/WWW t Electronic publication t Gateways and portals t JEDDS/LIDDAS t Call centre technologies t Consortial initiatives t International initiatives t Emerging standards

6 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University6 Issues t Intellectual Property –ownership –licensing/reuse/royalties –rights management t Scholarly Practice –recognition and rewards –changing practices –service expectations t Universities –what is pre-competitive? –ownership vs service –status and image t Libraries –autonomy –ownership vs service –commitment to collaboration

7 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University7 Key Stakeholders t Researchers t Research Institutions/AVCC t Research Agencies t DETYA t Research Libraries

8 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University8 A Janus Centre t Each in a specific discipline –to provide integrated access to research information, and –to support national collaborative purchasing t Accessible via a national access point.

9 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University9 The Janus Team t Steering Group t Reference Groups: Agriculture, Chemistry, Philosophy t Consultants: Simsion Bowles t Project Manager: Sue Henczel, CAVAL t Evaluator: David Phillips

10 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University10 The Steering Group t Paul Clark (chair) - VU/AVCC t Marian Bate - UNSW/CAUL/Chemistry t David Bennett - Academy of the Humanities/NAF t Maxine Brodie - SLNSW/CASL t Alex Byrne - NTU/CAUL t Diane Costello - CAUL t Helen Hayes - MU/CAUL/Agriculture t Warren Horton/Jan Fullarton - NLA t David McCann - DETYA t Peter Nicholson - DETYA t Christine Page-Hanify - UNSW/CAUDIT t Janine Schmidt - QU/CAUL/Philosophy

11 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University11 Project Summary t To develop a sustainable business model for a pilot Janus Centre t Phase 1 - to draft a business plan, confirm its objectives, expected outcomes, and financial and technical feasibility in relation to three disciplines (chemistry, agriculture and philosophy)

12 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University12 Project Summary t To develop a sustainable business model for a pilot Janus Centre t Phase 2 - pilot up to three Janus Centres in selected fields and develop a fully costed business plan

13 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University13 Project Design

14 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University14 Challenges t Getting the data to build a business case t Defining the business model t Securing commitment from stakeholders t Developing a sustainable business plan

15 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University15 Phase 1 Review t Much information gathered t Many concepts and issues identified t Business framework and slate of projects suggested, but t Draft business plan not achieved Consequently …. t Phase 2 had to be reconsidered

16 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University16 Suggested Projects - out of scope t Design, build and implement a subject gateway t Review and refine information dissemination services t Create an advanced call centre capability t Establish a purchasing and negotiation capability t Establish facilities for storage/archiving of items

17 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University17 Suggested Projects - in scope t Agree a collection framework for each discipline t Provide comprehensive and powerful search facilities t Develop flexibility in configuration and location of collections t Implement a process for gathering business intelligence

18 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University18 Phase 2 Reviewed t Four stage process to deliver a business model for the Janus Collaborative Information Centre t Highlighting those areas which will deliver financial savings, improved infrastructure and improved service capacity

19 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University19 Phase 2 Key Questions t Will it work? t What will it offer me (or my constituents)? t What will it require of me (or my constituents? t Will it offer sufficient tangible and achievable advantages to participate?

20 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University20 Phase 2 Scope Key business components t Acquisition through collaborative purchasing t Information access through gateway/portal t Information distribution, electronic and physical t Information location and storage

21 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University21 Phase 2 Deliverables t Stage 1 - Baseline Business System (Aug) t Stage 2 - Framework Business Model (Oct) t Stage 3 - Testing the Business Model (Nov) t Stage 4 - Pilot Business Model (Feb) t Stage 5 - Final Report (Mar)

22 Janus - Alex Byrne Northern Territory University22 Outcomes t Testing of new ways of doing business, building on the technical and service innovation achieved over the last 5 years t Focussed commitment of stakeholders including service providers and clients t A viable and sustainable way to reposition Australian research information services at the beginning of a new century

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