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Flipped School Lessons Learned. Harvard “One of the most enduring difficulties about technology and education is that a lot of people think about technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Flipped School Lessons Learned. Harvard “One of the most enduring difficulties about technology and education is that a lot of people think about technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flipped School Lessons Learned

2 Harvard “One of the most enduring difficulties about technology and education is that a lot of people think about technology first and education later.” Dr. Martha Stone Wiske

3 Lesson #1: What is most important?

4 Findings: Support vs. Information Control and choice: How do you spend your time? Pre-flip - 80% Relaying information Flipped - 80% Supporting students 80/20!


6 Lessons Learned #1: Poor Structure A traditional practice environment for students is not set up for success: o Unsafe o Lacked the necessary technology o Parents can not follow along o Community can’t offer support o Experts are not available

7 Technology has a Definitive Purpose

8 Lesson Two: Technology Has To Have Definitive Purpose Tool has to support the educational learning research Provides continuous access to information and support Reduces redundancies and streamlines school processes

9 Research based... Video - Guarantee access and engagement in rigorous content - Immediate feedback Google Groups / Drive - Collaboration

10 Why Use Video? We can put the best teacher, with the best understanding and presentation, in front of all students, at all times and so much more...

11 Educational Value of Web Video continued... o Accessible and available o Increases collaboration among departments and entire staff o Guarantees instructional quality and pace

12 Value of Web Video Research: Access to rigorous content and best experts Support: Information can be accessed and repeated Streamline: Single task that can be shared multiple times

13 Lessons Learned #2: Summary Technology has to support the educational research and a system's purpose!

14 Incubate the Technology Implementation Process

15 Lesson Three: Incubate the Implementation Process Start with easiest technologies and then progress to the more difficult ones.

16 Apple: Simple Function / Personalization I-Pod I - Touch I - Phone / Pad Macbook Pro Desktop

17 Video: Start Simple YouTube Juno by Frontrow Jing by TechSmith SnagIt by TechSmith Camtasia by TechSmith

18 Side by Side I-Pod I - Touch I - Phone / Pad Macbook Pro Desktop n.” YouTube Juno by Frontrow Jing by TechSmith SnagIt Camtasia

19 Lessons Learned #3: Summary For successful implementation start with the most simple platforms and tools.

20 Lesson Four: Familiar and Collaborative

21 Lessons Learned #4: Familiar and Collaborative Google Drive Eduongo

22 Google Drive Looks like Microsoft product and has sharing tools

23 Eduongo: Learning Management System Platform that is easy to use Built upon collaboration Integration of current materials

24 Lesson Learned #4: Summary It has to blend with a user's prior knowledge base, process and procedure

25 Lesson Learned #5: Purposeful Design

26 Push Information Text messaging vs. E-mail

27 Remind 101 Push messaging rather than logging in

28 Space Design Our space design has to support the tasks and encourage the behaviors that we want.



31 Lesson Learned #5: Space How you design your learning space and how you communicate does matter.

32 Contact Us Clintondale High School Website: E-mail: Twitter: flippedschool Skype: principalgreen

33 Contact Us Meloney Cargill Email: Twitter: @mscargill Dawn Sanchez Twitter: @dmsanchez2

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