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Visuals For Research Papers. Topic 1: Puritanism "Heaven's Cause and the King's are One" Illustration by Frank T. Merrill for "Old Esther Dudley" from.

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Presentation on theme: "Visuals For Research Papers. Topic 1: Puritanism "Heaven's Cause and the King's are One" Illustration by Frank T. Merrill for "Old Esther Dudley" from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visuals For Research Papers

2 Topic 1: Puritanism "Heaven's Cause and the King's are One" Illustration by Frank T. Merrill for "Old Esther Dudley" from In Colonial Days,published by L.C. Page & Co. in 1906 (89)

3 Topic 2:Science Pandora Opens the Box from Hawthorne's Wonder-Book, Riverside Literature Series, Houghton Mifflin (Photography by Joseph R. Modugno)

4 Topic 3: Women Beata Beatrix by D.G. Rossetti (courtesy of the Tate Gallery, London)Tate Gallery

5 Citations You will have to use the MLA book in order to cite these images. All three of these images were obtained from the Hawthorne in Salem website. URL Address: s/LitCareer/ShortStories/Images.html

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