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1 UN Regional Coordination Mechanism and its Sub-Regional Dimensions RCM-Africa Secretariat Durban, South Africa 6-7 June 2012 REGIONAL DIALOGUE ON ENHANCED.

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1 1 UN Regional Coordination Mechanism and its Sub-Regional Dimensions RCM-Africa Secretariat Durban, South Africa 6-7 June 2012 REGIONAL DIALOGUE ON ENHANCED COORDINATION TOWARDS NEPAD IMPLEMENTATION

2 2 Outline  Brief introduction to RCM- Africa  Coordinating for better outcomes  Major achievements of RCM- Africa  SRCMs  Harnessing RCM for implementation of NEPAD

3 3 What is the RCM?  A mechanism for enhancing UN system-wide coherence, coordination and cooperation at the regional and sub-regional levels ‘Delivering as one’ in promoting development in Africa and in support of AU and NEPAD

4 4 Background  UN General Assembly Resolution 1998/46 provides imperative for holding regular inter-agency meetings  UN Resolution 57/7 called for UN system organisations to coordinate activities in support of NEPAD - 2002  Consultative meetings led to establishment of full- fledged coordination mechanism  RCM-Africa transformed into a Joint AU-UN mechanism (Nov 2009)  RCM-Africa Sessions held annually

5 5 ECA/AUC Joint Secretariat InfrastructureDevelopmentECA GovernanceUNDP Environment Population & Urbanization UNEP Social and Human Development WHO Agriculture, Food Security & Rural Development FAO Science And Technology UNESCO Advocacy and Communication OSAA Peace and Security UNOAU Industry, Trade & Market Access UNIDO Each of the 9 Clusters of RCM-Africa is Co- Coordinated by the AU Commission Clusters of RCM-Africa

6 6 Coordinating for better Outcomes  Multiple actors pursuing same goals have to do things to organise themselves that single actors pursuing those same goals would not have to do  Coordination refers to these extra organising activities

7 7 Basic Concepts Coordination presupposes the following:  Multiple actors  Dependencies among activities  Alternative ways of performing desired tasks in a more efficient and cheaper manner  Common desired outcomes

8 8 In the absence of Coordination  Over-stretched attention and capacities of beneficiary institutions  Overlapping and conflicting tasks  Delivery of similar outputs  Failure to share common inputs or services, e.g. for administrative purposes  Failure to take advantage of existing outputs which may serve as inputs for other tasks  Inadequate sharing of resources

9 9 Coordination Tools/Instruments  Sharing of information  Meetings (physical, VC, Tel Conference)  Joint planning, programming, implementation (Business Plans/PIPs)  MoUs  Joint Declarations  Strategic Documents (Strategic Frameworks/Plans/Directions)

10 10 Main Achievements of RCM  Ownership of mechanism by UN and AU Strong leadership by UN and AU at the highest level: Co-chaired by UNDSG and AUC Deputy Chairperson Joint UN-AU RCM-Africa Secretariat Full membership of NEPAD Agency and RECs  RCM-Africa deeply entrenched as credible platform for supporting AU and its NEPAD Programme Other parties increasingly indicating interest to collaborate with RCM-Africa

11 11 Main Achievements (con’t)  RCM-Africa more results-oriented Business Plans developed by clusters with clear expected results and performance indicators Annual programme implementation plans prepared Emphasis placed on joint activities  Gender and other crosscutting issues mainstreamed in the work RCM Clusters Guidelines for mainstreaming crosscutting issues developed (gender, employment, governance, etc.)  SRCMs being established; Business Plans being developed

12 12 Strategic Actions of RCM-Africa  Capacity Building Work Programme  Annual work plans  Establishment of SRCMs

13 13 Capacity Building (TYCBP-AU)  Declaration on TYCBP-AU signed by UN SG and AUC Chairperson in 2006  TYCBP-AU conceived as UN overall platform for cooperation with AU  Objective is to enhance capacity of AUC, African regional organisations to act as effective UN partners

14 14 TYCBP-AU Work Programme  Work Programme for TYCBP-AU developed and endorsed by 12 th Session of RCM Results-oriented Work Programme developed in a participatory manner Comprehensive capacity needs assessment of AUC undertaken High-level UN-AU Retreat held at Kiruftu  RCM-Africa clusters are developing annual programme implementation plans with capacity building components  Work Programme to be extended to other members of AU family (NPCA, APRM, RECs, etc.)  TOR for NPCA capacity building work programme already developed

15 15 Sub-Regional Coordination Mechanisms  Significant progress made in establishing SRCMs  Joint SRCM for Eastern and Southern Africa launched  Process of developing Business Plan for the SRCM underway  Business Plan to be validated in July 2012  Task force to design modalities for joint SRCM for Central and Western Africa put in place  SRCM already exist in Central Africa

16 16 RCM and Implementation of NEPAD  Work of RCM Clusters revolves around continental (mostly NEPAD) progammes  Focal points could help identify the kind of support needed to implement programmes at national level  This could then be a factor in determining UN support to AUC/RECs/NPCA in implementation of NEPAD

17 17 Way Forward  NEPAD Focal Points could participate in ICE/SRCM/RCM meetings  This could ensure that their concerns are addressed by SROs, SRCMs and RCM  ICE could identify areas where member States need assistance from RECs to implement NEPAD projects and for which RCM/SRCM could provide support

18 18 Thanks

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