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Open Space Preservation Forum March 9,2006 Presented By The Town of Loomis Open Space Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Space Preservation Forum March 9,2006 Presented By The Town of Loomis Open Space Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Space Preservation Forum March 9,2006 Presented By The Town of Loomis Open Space Committee

2 Welcome! Thanks… for being interested in preserving the open rural character of Loomis.

3 What is “open space?” The General Plan defines “open space land” as: “any parcel or area of land or water that is essentially unimproved and devoted to open space use for the purpose of: 1) the preservation of natural resources, 2) the managed production of resources, 3) outdoor recreation, or 4) public health and safety”

4 OSC Background Initial efforts in 2004 New OSC formed in 2005 10 volunteer members Meet 3 rd Thursdays @ 7pm “Advisory” only

5 OSC Members Terri Barnato Pat Miller Kim Fetke Tom Seth John Knott Irene Smith Gary Liss Roger Smith Vic Markey Tara Wells

6 Task Forces (& Leaders) 1. Education & Publicity (Gary Liss) 2. Funding (John Knott) 3. Town Policies (Vic Markey) 4. Special Properties (Irene Smith) 5. Projects In Progress (Vic Markey)

7 OSC Activities ● identify open space and natural areas ● review projects for open space potential ● develop educational materials ● identiify funding sources ● recommend policies that the Planning Commission and Town Council can consider for inclusion in Town’s General Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Municipal Code

8 Philosophy… The OSC will be a resource for willing property owners who voluntarily wish to preserve all or part of their land as open space

9 Acknowledgements OSC Members Town Council Perry Beck - Town Manager Kathy Kerdus - Town Planner Ryan Wunsch - Planning Technician Laura Beck - General Support

10 Why Preserve Open Space? Scenic beauty Agricultural production Native flora & fauna Recreation & solitude Natural & cultural resources Flood control / erosion control Air quality benefits from greenscape Financial benefits (e.g. tax savings)

11 Open Space Preservation Methods ● By donation or sale of land (e.g. to a land trust or to the Town) ● By creation of conservation easements ● By creation of covenents, and other deed restrictions (e.g. CC&R’s)

12 Our Speakers Ernie Riley - Retired Biology Professor, Sierra College Jeff Darlington - Executive Director, Placer Land Trust Jim Leet, Atty. - McDonough, Holland & Allen

13 Let’s Get Started! Please save questions for the Q&A session to follow the speakers

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