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Find the slope of this line. …today’s objective is a mystery! determine which has a positive linear association with clustering. Page XX of your INB.

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Presentation on theme: "Find the slope of this line. …today’s objective is a mystery! determine which has a positive linear association with clustering. Page XX of your INB."— Presentation transcript:

1 find the slope of this line. …today’s objective is a mystery! determine which has a positive linear association with clustering. Page XX of your INB


3 ITEMS of BUSINESS REWORK is due NEXT TIME. Last day to retake Ch 11 test is Thursday April 30. Must have practice test & rework done to retake. Ch 16 test will be on Tues/Wed May 4/5. SAGE Test will be on May 14/15 & 18/19. BE HERE.

4 Questions on Homework?

5 determine which has a positive linear association with clustering. Get into your Groups CHAPTER 16 VOCAB ORGANIZER Pages XX of your INB

6 BIVARIATE DATA 16.1 Scatterplots Per Capita Income % of people with a college degree

7 I can’t shut my eyes!! What’s causing this? STORY So the doctor is implying that the weight of her hair is affecting eyelids. It’s keeping them open. If she cut her hair, then her eyes would shut and/or blink. Duh! Simple. Your hair is too long. The weight of it keeps your eyelids from closing.. CUT YOUR HAIR. Once upon a time... a girl went to the doctor.

8 anm... is there an association between hair length and blink-time? I wonder... Could one affect the other? Should I cut my hair? Have students share with their predictions with their partner. Pair-share. And/or talk about it with the whole class. Hopefully, they will guess that there isn’t an association.

9 Measure your HAIR LENGTH. Use inches. Measure your BLINK TIME. Use seconds. TASK 1 Have your partner time you. Approximate your lengths and times to the nearest whole number. Measure longest part of hair. No decimals please. Hold your eyes open for as long as you can without blinking. Time it. That’s your blink time. One try.

10 When called on, say your measurements. (HAIR LENGTH, BLINK TIME) In that order. CLICK HERE to graph the data Make a graph. Just go down the row and have each student give you their data. Record it into the online scatterplot. Make the graph. There should not be an association.

11 Should she cut her hair? Is there an association? Does one depend on the other ? Do you think a scatterplot is good for showing this data? Pair-share. Then share-out with the whole class. They should recognize NO ASSOCIATION Scatterplots are good for random dots – or “scattered” dots.

12 Measure your hand. Measure your foot. Use centimeters. Write it down. In that order. TASK 1 Use rulers or measuring tapes. Measure with your shoes on. That’s fine. Decimals please.

13 ... is there an association between hand/foot size? I wonder...... does one depend on the other? Do they affect each other? Have students share with their predictions with their partner. Pair-share. And/or share out with the class.

14 When called on, say your measurements. (HAND, FOOT) In that order. CLICK HERE to graph the data Make a graph. Use the online program to make a scatterplot. Just go quickly from one student to the next and record their data. You don’t have to hit every single student if it’s taking too long. Just get a good sampling of 10-15.

15 Were you right? Is there an association? Does one depend on the other ? Describe the association. Pair-share. Reflect on your predictions. Then share with whole class. What we want kids to see: Yes association. It’s linear. It’s positive. Be able to describe positive as both going up. or both going down


17 DEPENDENT vs. INDEPENDENT Does __________ depend on ________________? Or do _______________ depend on _________? cost y axis x axis Point out that the y- axis is always the dependent variable. The x-axis is always the independent variable. TIME is always independent as it depends on nothing.

18 DEPENDENT vs. INDEPENDENT The variable whose value is determined by, or caused by the other. You may not choose this value. The variable whose value does not rely on the other. You may choose this value.

19 ASSOCIATION vs. NO ASSOCIATION Points seem to stay close together and follow the same direction. Points are scattered. Points have NO direction.

20 CLUSTERING vs. OUTLIERS CLUSTERING: Most points fall within a defined space. OUTLIERS: Points outside that defined space. They are often disregarded. Sad, but true.

21 POSITIVE vs. NEGATIVE association Both are increasing. *They AGREE with each other! One increases, the other decreases. *They OPPOSE each other! + + - +

22 LINEAR vs. NON-LINEAR Follows a STRAIGHT line. * Remember, “lines” in math are straight. Does NOT follow a straight line. Therefore NOT-linear.

23 Day 1 – Integer operations, PEMDAS, evaluating 16.1 Scatterplots See problems 11-16 on your homework determine which has a positive linear association with clustering.

24 SHOW YOUR WORK Worksheet 16.1 Scatterplots

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