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HSC 2016.  No print copies given out-students can access booklets from the school website Assessment schedules.

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1 HSC 2016

2  No print copies given out-students can access booklets from the school website Assessment schedules

3 Bonnyrigg High School website-front page




7 HSC Assessment Schedules 2016

8  ALL assessments for HSC course to be given in term 4 of Preliminary course  ALL tasks to be given in WRITING at least TWO weeks prior to due date  If student is not present for task, a medical certificate must be produced  Appeals form and appeals board if student feels they have not been dealt with fairly Rules about Assessment-BOSTES

9  Unless prior approval for extension has been given by the appropriate Head Teacher, the late submission will result in a deduction of marks for that task. If an extension has been granted there is no mark penalty, unless the task is submitted later than the extension given. Rules about Assessment-school

10  If a student is absent for a task, an Illness/Misadventure Form will need to be submitted by the student-this form is included in the booklet-at the back

11  If a student misses an exam, it is expected that he/she will complete this at the first available time slot. For a Trial HSC exam, a phone call should be made to the school before 8.40 on the day of absence and arrangements be made for the exam to be rescheduled. The Illness/Misadventure Form and Medical Certificate will still need to be supplied on the first day back to school

12  The use of technology (e.g. word processors, printers, etc.) is the student’s responsibility. No allowances will be made for problems related to technical malfunctions, lost files, lack of paper, etc. It is the student’s responsibility for work that has been completed on a computer to be saved on both the hard drive and a USB/external hard drive and, if required, printed before the due time.

13  A zero mark may be awarded when a student:  Submits a task late (without a valid reason)  Does not attempt a task (non-attempt)  Does not make a serious attempt at a task (non- serious attempt)  Is found to be involved in malpractice.


15 Appeals Form

16  Deputies have the forms  Forms need to be signed by: Head Teachers of subjects concerned Careers Adviser Year Adviser Student Parent Deputy-the LAST person to sign the form Subject drop sheet- takes effect week 3

17  Notes to leave early or arrive late MUST be returned before you can use this privilege. Details will be on the SENTRAL computer system.  If you are driving a car to school, you must complete lilac coloured form the form- you may not drive others  There is NO PARKING for students on school grounds Permission forms

18  Role of senior students  N awards  Study periods spent under canteen COLA or the library-NOWHERE ELSE  Leaving school grounds-DO NOT leave school grounds between classes, even if you have a study period  Fees need to be paid-non payment impacts on jackets, picnic and formal Rules for year 12

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