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MIT Media Laboratory Collaborating Partner: Harvard Center for International Development Principal Investigators: Alex (Sandy) Pentland, Mitchel Resnick.

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Presentation on theme: "MIT Media Laboratory Collaborating Partner: Harvard Center for International Development Principal Investigators: Alex (Sandy) Pentland, Mitchel Resnick."— Presentation transcript:


2 MIT Media Laboratory Collaborating Partner: Harvard Center for International Development Principal Investigators: Alex (Sandy) Pentland, Mitchel Resnick Board: Nicholas Negroponte Jeffrey Sachs Jose Maria Figueres

3 MIT Media Laboratory Collaborating Partner: Harvard Center for International Development Faculty: Walter Bender, Mike Best, Justine Cassell, David Cavallo, Glorianna Davenport, Joseph Jacobson, Amar Gupta, Geoffrey Kirkman, Henry Lieberman, Scott Manalis, Bakhtiar Mikhak, Seymour Papert, Deb Roy, Ted Selker, Brian Smith

4 Two Revolutions: Communications Sensors and Actuators

5 Economic disruption and opportunity Flattened organizations, empowered individuals Network penumbra: new players join




9 What is a Digital Nation?

10 Access to digital technology

11 What is a Digital Nation? Access to digital technology Fluency with digital technology

12 Ivan Illich: Tools for Conviviality “People need not only to obtain things, they need above all the freedom to make things among which they can live, to give shape to them according to their own tastes, and to put them to use in caring for and about others.”


14 The Media Lab How people and machines can work together for expression, learning, creativity History and Growth Method: Apprenticeship, not lectures Invention, not description

15 Research Consortia (TTT, DL, NiF) Pre-competitive: we work on high-risk research Leveraged: each member puts in small fraction of total cost High-impact research: important research problems affect many different practical applications

16 Value to Sponsors: Technology transfer Voice in research direction Personal Connections: Fellows, meetings, visits to discuss research, education of senior personnel, brainstorming problems Joint projects

17 How Digital Nations is different Addressing major social challenges: Learning and education Health care Community development

18 How Digital Nations is different Addressing major social challenges: Learning and education Health care Community development New types of sponsors and partners

19 How Digital Nations is different Addressing major social challenges: Learning and education Health care Community development New types of sponsors and partners Focusing where needs are greatest: Children Seniors Under-served communities Developing nations

20 Action Projects Learning Hubs Lincos Computer Clubhouses Silver Stringers PIE Network

21 Benefits of memberships Access to research results Influence direction of research Executive visits Action projects Connections with other members Graduate-student fellows

22 Ways to Join Examples: Learning Lab Denmark Telmex Foundations, international agencies Corporate support Digital Nations Fund

23 Research Themes Learning Community Multicultural Computing Commerce Sustainable Development Health Low-Cost Technologies


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