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Chirpify Sweepstakes. C HIRPIFY Featured Clients Chirpify is a Social Marketing solution with some unique benefits: Consumers can ‘raise their hand’ to.

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Presentation on theme: "Chirpify Sweepstakes. C HIRPIFY Featured Clients Chirpify is a Social Marketing solution with some unique benefits: Consumers can ‘raise their hand’ to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chirpify Sweepstakes

2 C HIRPIFY Featured Clients Chirpify is a Social Marketing solution with some unique benefits: Consumers can ‘raise their hand’ to get instant access to products, content & offers they want – from anywhere. Brands & Agencies have a platform that: Increases reach & amplification for social campaigns Enables social conversion from traditional media Drives data capture & revenue into CRM & eCommerce And we’ve found it particularly valuable for Sweepstakes

3 C HIRPIFY S OCIAL S AMPLING BRAND Free Product Sample Email Street Address City StateZIP BRAND DIGITAL / SOCIAL Promote anywhere Respond to every interested customer Convert instantly Yes! I really #Want to try the #NewProduct @busymom13 @busymom13 Great! Just go here to get your sample: BRAND @Brand

4 More Qualified: We gather social & customer profile info – allowing you to put product in the hands of consumers who are most likely to have a great experience More Amplified: Every time a consumer uses an Actiontag they are sharing it with their friends – driving Social Discovery and multiplying Earned Media More Cost-Effective: Chirpify’s messaging & form live directly “in social” – making for high conversion rates, without needing a separate microsite / landing page S OCIAL S AMPLING P ROGRAM V ALUE Benefits of Social Sampling with Chirpify

5 #sendmeOreo C LIENT E XAMPLE : C ONSUMER G OODS Oreo used Chirpify to launch their new flavors – using an Activated TV Ad Social product sampling program delivered 20,000 boxes to engaged social customers #sendmeOreo became a nationally Trending Topic on Twitter – without any social ad spend #Actiontag participation and sharing drove more than 46 million impressions and reached 22 million social accounts OREO Limited Edition Flavors

6 C LIENT E XAMPLE : R ETAIL TaylorMade Golf use Chirpify to create buzz for their new products Activate their email list to amplify participation using actiontags Collect social IDs and emails addresses, getting new product in the hands of qualified consumers. Sampled 10,000 sleeves of golf balls in under 2 days to targeted and qualified consumers, while also collecting over 21,000 emails.

7 C LIENT E XAMPLE : C ONSUMER G OODS Secret used Chirpify to get their new deodorant into the hands of busy, social Moms. Seeding began by activating a product post within a Twitter Mom’s group News of the deal spread online and then to Facebook, with thousands of Tweets using the actiontags #DGfree #StressStinks #StressStinks became a nationally Trending Topic, and all 5,000 products were claimed within 4 hours.

8 1)Together, we identify a program to ‘activate’ using Chirpify Often linked to an existing promotion or upcoming NPI 2)Chirpify’s account team recommends best practices Collaborate on actiontags & messaging for max impact 3)We set-up, launch & support the campaign Coordinate on any media spend or x-channel promotion 4)We create a campaign re-cap and deliver all data gathered Focus on insights to optimize future social conversion programs H OW W E W ORK WITH C LIENTS

9 We can easily send data via real-time API or flat-file Our accounts team will work with you to make sure we’re sending in the right format for easy import Happy to work with your existing fulfillment partner, or suggest one of ours E ASY I NTEGRATION BRAND Free Product Sample Email Street Address City StateZIP BRAND Chirpify Social ID Emails Profile Info Fulfillment Partner (Yours or Ours) CRM System

10 Single CampaignEnterprise $10,000 ea. $2,500 set-up & support $7,500 for a 1-month license $5,000 / month ongoing Set-up & support is included Lower monthly fee (requires 3+ months) S AMPLING P ROGRAM P RICING Included Chirpify Services: Campaign ideation & planning Platform set-up & configuration Actiontags, Messages, Conversion Form, Data Feed Campaign support & service Campaign reporting Includes approx. 20 hours of setup & support services per campaign or per month Custom development & campaign services available on a contract basis

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