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Fall 2005 1 EE 333 Lillevik333f06-s1 University of Portland School of Engineering Computer Organization Study Guide 1 Exam 1 Thursday, September 28 Closed.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall 2005 1 EE 333 Lillevik333f06-s1 University of Portland School of Engineering Computer Organization Study Guide 1 Exam 1 Thursday, September 28 Closed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall 2005 1 EE 333 Lillevik333f06-s1 University of Portland School of Engineering Computer Organization Study Guide 1 Exam 1 Thursday, September 28 Closed Book

2 Fall 2005 2 EE 333 Lillevik 333f05-s1 University of Portland School of Engineering Skills Explain the five major components of a computer and what they do Convert between decimal, binary, hex Describe the MIPS programmer’s view Explain the key MIPS features Given memory contents, find a specific byte or word

3 Fall 2005 3 EE 333 Lillevik 333f05-s1 University of Portland School of Engineering Skills, continued. Write a MIPS assembly program segment for a mathematical expression Write a MIPS assembly program segment for a loop Explain the difference between an assembly language instruction and a machine language instruction

4 Fall 2005 4 EE 333 Lillevik 333f05-s1 University of Portland School of Engineering Skills, continued. Convert between an effective address and a target address Explain the two passes of an assembler Describe the R, I, and J-format instructions and their fields Convert an assembly language statement to its machine language representation

5 Fall 2005 5 EE 333 Lillevik 333f05-s1 University of Portland School of Engineering Skills, continued. Determine the mode and select input values for an LS181 for a specific function Design a 16-bit ALU using the LS181 part Design a logical shifter both left and right Design a 16-to-32 bit sign extender circuit Find the register and/or immediate values for the MIPS datapath and an instruction

6 Fall 2005 6 EE 333 Lillevik 333f05-s1 University of Portland School of Engineering Skills, continued. Define: program counter, register file, instruction memory, data memory Identify the number of clocks for the multi- cycle datapath and an instruction Calculate the F max for the MIPS datapath

7 Fall 2005 7 EE 333 Lillevik 333f05-s1 University of Portland School of Engineering Test Preparation Study in small groups –Focus on lecture and in-class problems –With serious students, some of same level –Go over problems, set them up, do not number crunch –Leave beer in refrigerator until done Make up a crib sheet: even though not allowed Don’t stay up all night, get good sleep

8 Fall 2005 8 EE 333 Lillevik 333f05-s1 University of Portland School of Engineering Test Preparation Set up a backup for your alarm clock Eat breakfast, lunch, dinner Arrange backup transportation to campus Bring everything you need for the exam –Pencils –Erasers

9 Fall 2005 9 EE 333 Lillevik 333f05-s1 University of Portland School of Engineering Taking the test Put your name and student number on exam Read over the exam before writing Read each problem carefully, understand what was asked Show your work –Provide enough detail –Don’t do problem “in your head”

10 Fall 2005 10 EE 333 Lillevik 333f05-s1 University of Portland School of Engineering Taking the test Think partial credit –Put something down for each question –If you are unclear, write down what you might do to solve the problem Stay in motion, budget your time –Work on a problem until you get stuck –Give it a couple more minutes, then move on –Return to the problem later

11 Fall 2005 11 EE 333 Lillevik 333f05-s1 University of Portland School of Engineering Taking the test Keep your work legible If you don’t understand a problem, ask the instructor Don’t panic –If you find yourself sweating, hyperventilating, take a break –Take a few deep breaths, stretch –Then return to the exam

12 Fall 2005 12 EE 333 Lillevik 333f05-s1 University of Portland School of Engineering Taking the test Check your exam at the end –Did you answer every question & part? –Do your answers seem reasonable? –Do your answers check out? Hand in your paper when time is called

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