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Overview of the Lesson # 2. Answer the questions 1.How do we ask the identity of a person or thing? 2.How do we ask and indicate a location? 3.How do.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of the Lesson # 2. Answer the questions 1.How do we ask the identity of a person or thing? 2.How do we ask and indicate a location? 3.How do."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the Lesson # 2

2 Answer the questions 1.How do we ask the identity of a person or thing? 2.How do we ask and indicate a location? 3.How do we introduce ourselves? 4.How do we use pronouns in referring to animate and inanimate nouns? 5.How do we distinguish the gender of most Russian nouns?

3 Do Now: Translate - Переведите Bag Window Notebook Boy Good (adj., masc.) Snack bar Dining room Dictionary Diary Textbook Pencil

4 Write a dialogue according to these suggestions: You start a conversation with a boy on a Moscow street. Boy: He wants to know if you are American. You: You answer that yes, you are American. You ask him if he is Russian. Boy: He says yes, he is Russian. You: You ask him his name. Boy: He says his name is Misha. He asks your name. You: You say your name is …. Boy: He says he is very pleased to meet you. You: You say you are very pleased to meet him.

5 Speaking You are at a party with both Russian and American students. You find yourself standing next to someone whom you have not met. 1.Greet him or her. 2.Tell him or her your first name. 3.Tell him or her your nationality. 4.Ask his or her name. 5.Respond that you are pleased to have met him or her.

6 Supplementary exercises Вопросы. Answer in Russian by supplying the given phrase. 1.Кто ты? __________________________________ (I am an American.) 2. Как тебя зовут? _____________________________ ( My name is ….) 3. Кто он? ___________________________________ (He is Russian.) 4. Как её зовут?_______________________________ ( Her name is Pat) 5. Где мама?_________________________________ (Here she is.)

7 6. Где карандаш? ___________________________________ ( Here it is.) 7. Где письмо? _____________________________________ (Here it is.) 8. Где ребята?______________________________________ ( Here they are.) 9. Володя, что это?___________________________________ (This is a notebook.) 10. Марина, это дневник? _______________________________________________ (No, this is not a diary, this is a textbook.)

8 Translate into Russian -Hello, Steven._______________________ -Hi, Anna. ___________________________ -Who is that boy? _____________________ -Where? Aaa, this is John. ______________ -Is he American? _____________________ -No, he is not American. He is Italian. ___________________________________ -What is his last name? ________________ -His last name is Treza. ________________ -Thank you. Good bye, Steven. __________ -Bye, Anna. ___________________________

9 Напишите диалог 1.Boris asks his friend Roman about the girl he noticed. 2.Roman says that she is Russian. 3.Boris asks her name. 4.Roman answers that her name is Natasha. 5.Boris asks her last name. 6.Roman says that her last name is Petrova. 7.Boris asks Roman to introduce him. (Познакомь нас.) 8.Roman tells Natasha to get acquainted with Boris. (Наташа, познакомься) 9.Natasha says that it is nice to meet him. - Кто эта девушка? - Её зовут Наташа. - Как её зовут? - Она русская. - Как её фамилия? - Её фамилия Петрова. - Познакомь нас. - Наташа, познакомься, это Борис. - Очень приятно.

10 Define the gender of the nouns and write вот он, она, оно, они as appropriate Флаг Ракета Спорт Саксафон Трагедия Театр Шампунь Религия Парк Планетарий Роль Ребята Музей Фильм Царь Чек сестра Симфония Такси Шоу Цезарь Шарф Юбилей телевизор М. Вот он Ф. Вот она М. Вот он М. Вот он Ф. Вот она М. Вот он М. Вот он Ф. Вот она М. Вот он М. Вот он Ф. Вот она Pl. Вот они М. Вот он М. Вот он М. Вот он М. Вот он Ф. Вот она Ф. Вот она Н. Вот оно Н. Вот оно М. Вот он М. Вот он М. Вот он М. Вот он

11 Переведите 1. Is this a rabbit? No, this is wolf. 2.Where is bag? Here it is. 3. Is this a bag? No, this is briefcase. 4. Who is this girl? This is Maria. 5. What is this? This is a book. 6. - Is this Cheburashka? - No, this is Gena. - Who is he? – He is crocodile. 7. Is this cat? No, this is parrot. 8. Where is the house. Here it is.

12 Кто это? Это Буратино.





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