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Programming with Visual Studio.NET A short review of the process.

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Presentation on theme: "Programming with Visual Studio.NET A short review of the process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Programming with Visual Studio.NET A short review of the process

2 2 Windows Programming Environment - MS Dev Studio

3 Visual Studio.NET

4 4 Windows Programming Start New Project Microsoft Visual Studio.Net Start -- Programs -- MS Visual Studio -- MS Visual Studio To create a new project: –New Projects button -- Win32 Console Application –Identify storage location for new project –Provide Project name –OK



7 7 Windows Programming Add / Create files Project – Add Existing Item – C++ File Locate desired files. Repeat for all needed files For new files: Project -- Add New Item – C++ File Select file.


9 9 Windows Programming Add Libraries Project -- Properties linker tab -- category = Input -- add library names to “Additional Dependencies” for sockets, add “wsock32.lib”


11 To support Multi-threaded Programs: Select Project  Program Properties Select C/C++ tab –Code Generation subtab Runtime Library item: –Default is “Single-threaded Debug (/MLd)” –Select “Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd)”


13 13 Windows Programming Select Active Configuration Two compile configurations available –Release –Debug Build – select “Configuration Manager” Select either Debug or Release –Note that debug versions create large (megabyte) files.


15 15 Windows Programming Build and Execute Project Build -- Build “project_name” Check message window for compile and link status. If no errors are indicated, execute program. Debug – “Start” or “Start Without Debugging”



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