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Reform, the South and Manifest Destiny. Culture and reform Religion n Deism and the Unitarians. n Second Great Awakening. n Mormons. Public Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Reform, the South and Manifest Destiny. Culture and reform Religion n Deism and the Unitarians. n Second Great Awakening. n Mormons. Public Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reform, the South and Manifest Destiny

2 Culture and reform Religion n Deism and the Unitarians. n Second Great Awakening. n Mormons. Public Education n goals. n Leaders.

3 Reform n end of debtors’ prisons. n Insanity Temperance Movement Women’s reform movement n links. n Leaders n Seneca Falls Conference.

4 Literary gains n The main players. Irving, Cooper, William Cullen Bryant, Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman, Longfellow, Whittier, Lowell, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Poe, Hawthorne and Melville.

5 Slavery n Plantation life. n The Necessity? n Distribution. n Radical Abolitionism William Lloyd Garrison Frederick Douglass Sojourner Truth Northern and Southern opinions

6 Tyler too!!! n First accidental president. n Political woes. n Maine, Texas, and Oregon. n Manifest Destiny n Election of 1844 Polk v. Clay

7 Polk’s goals n Lower the tariff. n Restoration of an independent treasury. n Acquisition of California. n Settlement of the Oregon dispute.

8 War with Mexico 1846 Why? n Manifest destiny. n Ill feeling over the Texas annexation. n Southern boundary of Texas (Nueces v. Rio Grande) n ???? Was the war fought for financial gains?????

9 More War Significance. n Size increased by 1/3. n Increased belief in Manifest Destiny. n Civil War testing ground. n Increased military image worldwide. n Re-ignited the slavery issue.

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