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Saliha Bava, PhD Taos-Tilburg Research Topic Call November 4, 2009 Contact: A systematic process of knowledge creation.

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Presentation on theme: "Saliha Bava, PhD Taos-Tilburg Research Topic Call November 4, 2009 Contact: A systematic process of knowledge creation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Saliha Bava, PhD Taos-Tilburg Research Topic Call November 4, 2009 Contact: A systematic process of knowledge creation

2 Ways to think about methodology Framing knowledge construction Tools used in the process of knowledge construction Not only functions as a tool but also shapes the knowledge that is constructed Is a process that is itself epistemologically driven Systematic way of creating choices and trails Making and managing choices A process narrative of what was created

3 My Working Assumptions How we know what we know informs our practices and our choices and our language Language is social Our language shapes our realities-our constructions Reflection: What is your position on these ideas? What are your values?

4 Framing What We are Doing Ontology : What is the nature Epistemology : How we know what we know Methodology : How we study

5 If Nature is Constructed… Epistemology : How we know what we know Methodology : How we study

6 Along a Continuum… Modern Postmodern PARADIGM/PHILOSOPHICAL ORIENTATION Discovery Model (Mining)………….Exploratory Model (Traveling) Knowledge is Discovered………….Knowledge is Socially Constructed Positivist………...............................Hermeneutic, Post-positivist Science-Based..…………………….Rooted in Philosophy of Science POSITIONING OF RESEARCHER Scientist/Expert Driven……………..Consensual Partnership Driven Scientist is Knowing………………..Scientist is Curious Hierarchical……………………….....Lowering Hierarchy Predetermined Agenda……………..Evolving Agenda Objective & Independent..………….Contextual & critical of the knower Foreknowledge………………………Pre-knowledge bracketed &/or made public

7 Along a Continuum… Modern Postmodern Fact Oriented…………………………..Construction Oriented Representational………………………Re-constructive Extracting………………………...........Data as Conversation Observable/Countable Data……........Includes Stories/Meanings Directional/Replicable………………...Unique/Curiosity-Based Questions are Diagnostic…………….Questions are Conversational Meaning is Interpreted by Scientist….Meaning is Co-Evolved Singular Truth of Meaning……………Multiplicity of Meaning Findings are Universal/meta………….Findings are Localized Implication for Research Process

8 Managing Choices People Technology Knowledge Time Money Ethics Data Information Communication Politics Quality Theory Curiosity Method Context Self Source: Chenail, 2008

9 Goal of Methodology Detail how the study will be/was conducted Methodology Sections Epistemology Researcher’s Positioning Logic of using the methodology as related to the research question Method of sample selection Method of data collection & organization Method of data analysis Maintain Coherence within Methodology and with other elements in the research project

10 Methodology Sections Epistemology Logic of using the methodology as related to the research question Researcher’s Positioning Who are you in relationship to the inquiry? What is your role/relationship, voice and values? Participant selection Who are the participants? How were they selected? Why were they selected (your strategy)?

11 Methodology Sections Cont…. Data collection process What were the preparation steps for data collection? What tools were used in/for data collection How was it organized, saved and accessed? Who collected data? What were the shifts in data collection? Method of data analysis How was the data prepared? By whom? What software was used (if used)? What role did the participants play? Data trustworthiness (Instilling reader confidence) What are the ways to track your path? What are the trails? Why you followed the trail you followed?

12 Become a connoisseur of methodologies and methods -Chenail, 2007

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