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Dr. Sophia Tsuey-jen Wu 吳翠珍 Associate Professor, Dept. of Radio and Television Coordinator, Center for Media Literacy, National Chengchi University, Taiwan.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Sophia Tsuey-jen Wu 吳翠珍 Associate Professor, Dept. of Radio and Television Coordinator, Center for Media Literacy, National Chengchi University, Taiwan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Sophia Tsuey-jen Wu 吳翠珍 Associate Professor, Dept. of Radio and Television Coordinator, Center for Media Literacy, National Chengchi University, Taiwan Presented at the MELL 2005 Annual Conference (MELL Concerto) Tokyo, Japan,Feb.19-20.2005 The Coming and Be-coming of Media Education in Taiwan

2 拉麵學 Ramenology 溫泉學 Osenology

3 Literacy for the digital age Vision of Media Education Major projects 2004-2006 Status quo& challenges Cross-cultural issues & proposed actions

4 Incipient Media Literacy Education in Taiwan 2003--Ministry of Education issued a white paper on media education policy May, 2003--established the Media Literacy Education Committee.

5 Literacy for the Digital Age 1.Literacy is a product of history (or historical specific) 2.The production of literacy is neither value- free nor naturally generated. 3.Many different kinds of literacy exist, and multi-faceted literacy capacity is a case of co- existence, not mutual exclusivity or substitution. Literacy is distinguished by the following qualities :

6 Literacy for the Digital Age 4.Class distinctions should not be made concerning literacy. 5.All roads lead to literacy. Recent studies show that literacy can be acquired from various different social institutions, such as the family, sub-culture groups, organizations, the workplace, and particularly the media. Hence, the formal educational system should not be relied on exclusively. Literacy is distinguished by the following qualities:

7 Literate Quality is Not Given Three levels of literacy mastering 1.understanding denotation 2.examining media connotations 3.producing and access to media The literate quality is not given but needs to be taught through formal and/or informal learning process.

8 Vision of Media Literacy Education “Liberation” refers the intellectual ability to see through the constructed nature of media and thus avoid being framed by the media engage to use the media to express concern about public affairs, and promote democratic acculturation among the populace The ultimate vision of media education is to the liberation and empowerment of the populace

9 Vision of Media Literacy Education “Empowerment” refers an individual’s capacity for distinguishing, selecting, and evaluating media and its contents encourage the public to produce content to collectively establish community standards, thereby elevating the quality of media culture

10 Substance of Media Literacy Education 1.Critical examination of media representation 2.Understanding media symbolic attributes and content 3.Understanding the concept of media audience 4.Analyzing media institutes 5.Influencing and accessing media

11 Major Projects for the 2004-2006 I. Information and Internet Sub-committee Establish a media literacy education information logistics plan as a media literacy education information platform II.Teacher Training and Teaching Materials Development Sub-committee Establish a media literacy teaching material database and human resource databank to facilitate the compilation of relevant data and information.

12 Major Projects for the 2004-2006 III. Research and Development Sub-committee Conducting Media Literacy Education Core Concepts Construction Research Project (2004) Survey on Media Education in Primary and Middle Schools (2004) IV. Community Outreach Sub-committee Adult-targeted media literacy TV program and outreach programs and projects are designed to be implemented.

13 Challenges We Face Locally I.Integrated curriculum is encouraged but not yet mandated II.Teacher training and teaching materials development is not systematically supported III.Lifelong learning participation is not well socially marketed IV.Involvement of media industry and professionals is still in words not in action

14 The Status Quo of Media Education Media education in Taiwan has prepared assorted offensive and defensive strategies, yet lacks thinking on listener/viewer citizens as subjects, thus causing the following problematic issues:

15 The Status Quo of Media Education 1.Lack of attention to audience/student taste and room for interpretation This point is one about which most teachers, trainers, and commentators on media education find evident yet difficult to act upon.

16 The Status Quo of Media Education 2. Lack of thick description of media behavior and discourse as cultural practice overlooks the in-depth description of media experience and practice at the personal, and the sub-group/sub- culture level.

17 The Status Quo of Media Education 3. Lack of encouraging audience participation in media production Media education must also be sure to teach expression and communication. Learning media (treating the media as a symbolic tool) Accessing media (treating media as civil discourse).

18 Cross-cultural and Common Issues 1.Media education’s approach to knowledge Individually interpreted practical knowledge inherent in dialectical processes vs. Collectively domain knowledge cultivated in authoritative learning outcome. Action Proposed: Conduct a cross-cultural study on Media teaching experiments. Epistemology and teaching pedagogy of media education

19 Cross-cultural and Common Issues 2. Roles and teaching methods of media educators From “knowing what” to “knowing why.” Reflection and reflexivity is the foundation of examination upon which media literacy is based

20 Action proposed: Develop facilitator/teacher training workshop model. Publish trainer’s notebook (knowing what and why) and handbook (knowing how)of media literacy and education. Encourage media teachers to reflect on and establish media education teaching methods out of knowing in practice, action reseearch can facilitate classroom teachers to gain substance and momentum.

21 Cross-cultural and Common Issues Action proposed: Conduct cross-cultural investigations on the following issues of concern. What does the learner know about the media’s system of denotation? What experience does the learner have with global and local media, particular with new media such as mobile phone? What kind of procedural knowledge should we offer to link with the learner’s prior experience and other domain knowledge? What personal meaning do media education have on the learner? 3. The role of students The complexity of individual media experience should also be explored

22 Thank You ! E-Mail : Website :

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