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AOD Data in Atlantis Event Display Qiang Lu, Juergen Thomas, Peter Watkins (Birmingham) Hans Drevermann (CERN) Andrew Haas (Columbia) Eric Jansen, Pieter.

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Presentation on theme: "AOD Data in Atlantis Event Display Qiang Lu, Juergen Thomas, Peter Watkins (Birmingham) Hans Drevermann (CERN) Andrew Haas (Columbia) Eric Jansen, Pieter."— Presentation transcript:

1 AOD Data in Atlantis Event Display Qiang Lu, Juergen Thomas, Peter Watkins (Birmingham) Hans Drevermann (CERN) Andrew Haas (Columbia) Eric Jansen, Pieter Klok, Charles Timmermans (Nijmegen, NIKHEF) Simon Dean, Nikos Konstantinidis, Zdenek Maxa (UCL) Physics Analysis Tools Group Meeting ATLAS Software Week, CERN, 5 Apr 2006

2 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 20062 Outline Display of AOD data:  Data types  Data in GUI: Properties and cuts  Projections: XY, eta/phi and Legoplot Trigger data (preparing for 11.5.0 AOD) More news from Atlantis Appendix: Wiki link, Producing xml output from AOD files within Analysis tools: AnalysisSkeleton, UserAnalysis, EventView NOTE: Shown features are in Atlantis versions from AtlantisJava-09-05-00

3 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 20063 AOD Data in GUI (1): Types and Switches AOD data which was already in Atlantis:  Missing-ET is selected in Data -> ATLAS from drop-down menu (uses new ‘multiple collections’ infrastructure) ETMis (MET_Final) CaloETMis (MET_Calib) MuonETMis (MET_Muon)  Tracks (TrackParticle) (Note that AOD tracks have reduced data) Truth:  Read from McEventCollection GEN_AOD Separated in neutral and charged truth: SNP: Neutral Truth STr: Simulated Tracks (incl all charged particles !) Switched in Data -> InDet and Data -> Calo Note: pT-Cut taken from Cuts -> InDet applies to –all- Truth objects  In projections: Red ‘V’ in eta/phi projections, and red lines in XY projection

4 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 20064 AOD Data in GUI (2): Types and Switches In addition, the following AOD data are now displayed:  Electron (ElectronCollection)  Muon (MuidMuonCollection)  BJet (BJetCollection)  ParticleJet (Cone4TowerParticleJets)  Photon (PhotonCollection)  TauJet (TauJetCollection) All Storegate keys can be switched in jobOptions if wanted (e.g. to get KtTower jets. See Wiki page) Switch on/off in ‘Data’ panel

5 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 20065 AOD Data in GUI (3): Colour and Widths AOD data colours and line widths can be changed in ‘AOD’ panel. Default colours are:  BJet: dark blue  Electron: green  Muon: red  ParticleJet: (slim) grey  Photon: yellow  TauJet: light blue

6 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 20066 AOD Data in GUI (4): Cuts A ‘reasonable’ set of default cuts is applied, freely adjustable by the user:  All: pT > 5 GeV  BJet: lhSig > 0.9  Electron: isEM=0 (note: we fix 2048 bug inside, set to 0)  Muon: chi2 < 0 (this is ‘matchChi2OverDoF’)  TauJet: isolationFraction > 0.3, logLhRatio > -2

7 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 20067 XY Projection (1) AOD objects are displayed outside of the detector as small towers (1 degree width) Zoom and Pick to inspect objects Height has a cut- off value at pT/ET = 100 GeV (maximal height) All Events shown are semileptonic ttbar (mc11 T1 sample)

8 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 20068 XY projection (2) Muon ParticleJet (also a BJet ! Note slim dark blue frame)

9 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 20069 XY Projection (3) Fisheye used: ‘visual track matching’ possible PICK output: InDet: Track = 15 storegate key: xKalTrack d0 =.002 cm z0 = 4.246 cm phi0 = 290.491 η =.040 tL =.040 pT = 30.91 p = 30.94 GeV AOD: Electron = 1 Pt = 31.543 GeV E = 31.568 GeV isEM = 0 eOverp = 0.00102 η =.040 Φ = 290.491° Truth: STr barcode = 118 Type = e- d0 = -.000 cm z0 = 4.234 cm phi0 = 290.505 η =.041 tL =.041 pT = -32.04 p = -32.07

10 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 200610 AOD display: eta/phi Projection AOD objects are circles:  An ‘x’ marks the centre position  scaled with their pT (resp. ET for Jets)  Note: Circle is not jet cone ! Circles are a first implementation, this may change. ‘Pick' on any AOD object to print-out parameters A ParticleJet which is also a tagged BJet will be a dark blue circle with slim grey circle on top.

11 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 200611 Missing ET in eta/phi Projection ETMis: storegate key: ETMis Sum-ET = 541.258 GeV ET-Mis = 42.513 GeV ETx-Mis = 15.157 GeV ETy-Mis = -39.720 GeV Φ = 290.887° ETMis: storegate key: CaloETMis Sum-ET = 520.938 GeV ET-Mis = 35.480 GeV ETx-Mis = 25.441 GeV ETy-Mis = -24.729 GeV Φ = 315.813° ETMis: storegate key: MuonETMis Sum-ET = 10.193 GeV ET-Mis = 10.193 GeV ETx-Mis =.002 GeV ETy-Mis = -10.193 GeV Φ = 270.010° Select Missing-ET type from ‘ATLAS’ -> ‘ETMis’ -> ‘ETMis Collections’ (Multiple Collection). Default is ETMis (MET_Final)

12 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 200612 SynchroCursor (SC): eta/phi matching

13 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 200613 SynchroCursor PICK output: Muon = 0 Pt = 83.985 GeV E = 124.684 GeV chi2 = 16.939386 η = -.949 Φ = 71.120° BJet = 1 Pt = 133.344 GeV E = 325.092 GeV lhSig = 0.99873 weight = 10.442425 η = -1.539 Φ = 70.179° STr barcode = 75 Type = μ- d0 = -.002 cm z0 =.140 cm phi0 = 71.125 η = -.948 tL = -1.097 pT = -92.94 p = -137.95 GeV ETMis: storegate key: CaloETMis Sum-ET = 589.050 GeV ET-Mis = 136.724 GeV ETx-Mis = 55.078 GeV ETy-Mis = 125.139 GeV Φ = 66.244°

14 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 200614 Legoplot: AOD Colour coding, cuts and data selection as explained above. All Jets are circles on the base plane of the legoplot (size adjustable), the others data are narrow towers Missing-ET is a narrow tower at the border On picture: High-pT muon Event is a semileptonic ttbar (mc11 T1 sample)

15 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 200615 Legoplot: Calo data from Digi/ESD (1) Note: This plot is from Digi (!) AOD in 11.0.41 have no calo cells AOD objects described before are not produced by default when using doJiveXML=True currently. But can be switched on. Picture shows calo data by calo type: electromagnetic: green, hadronic: red Grey disks on base are ESD Jets

16 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 200616 Trigger data: Level1-Trigger Towers Produced using doTrigger=True Geometry (Grid) as in real system (Barrel: 0.1x0.1, much larger in FCAL) Trigger data from Digi/ESD (1)

17 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 200617 Level-1 Jet Elements Added up over em and had (neutral colour: yellow) Geometry (Grid) as in real system (Barrel: 0.4x0.4) Visible also: red rectangle on Legoplot base: This is an RoI. Atlantis shows JetRoI, EmTauRoI Next: Add more trigger data, also HLT (CTP_Decision, TriggerDecision) Trigger data from Digi/ESD (2)

18 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 200618 More news from Atlantis Many improvements made in view of usage of Atlantis for InDet commissioning:  Geometry now taken from Athena (Muon, Calo)  Multiple Collections for Tracks  Interactive Running (Vertexing) New XML Parser JiveXML: Various adjustments to changes in Offline software

19 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 200619 Summary Most AOD objects can now be viewed in Atlantis. Instructions for running in the most popular analysis tools are available on Wiki Cuts and switches can be applied to the user’s preference AOD data is displayed in eta/phi, XY and Legoplot projections. Soon also in rho/Z. Tried and tested with mc11 (CSC) pre-production in 11.0.41 Atlantis section in PAT tutorial this Thursday Please send comments, questions and suggestions to

20 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 200620 Appendix: Technical details and instructions

21 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 200621 Producing output in 11.0.41 (1) Instructions collected on Wiki page: JiveXML version in 11.0.41 is not producing XML output for most AOD data, therefore you need to update that package. To run with 11.0.41, do: cmt co -r JiveXML-00-04-46-03 graphics/JiveXML (config and gmake as usual) 11.0.5 is fine, contains JiveXML-00-04-46-04 already. Add this to your analysis package’s ‘cmt/requirements’ (probably not needed ?) use JiveXML JiveXML-* graphics

22 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 200622 Producing output in 11.0.41 (2) To produce xml output in analysis based on AnalysisExamples, to your jobOptions, e.g.after 'EvtMax' within AnalysisExamples/ add: add those lines to call and adjust JiveXML: include( "JiveXML/" ) include( "JiveXML/" ) ToolSvc.EventData2XML.Muonkey = "MuidMuonCollection" include( "JiveXML/" ) In case your analysis is based on UserAnalysis, do the the same within UserAnalysis/ Run job options as normal, output in xml format will be dumped

23 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 200623 Interface calling JiveXML is available from TopView package (Akira): PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/TopView/python/ JiveXML is called in TopView/share/ by XMLSaver=EventViewToJiveXML(ttbarEVLooper, "XMLSaver") XMLSaver.setParameters({"EV2XML":{"CutName":"tt_TightCut"}}) Producing output in 11.0.41 (3): EventView

24 Atlantis with AOD data, 5 Apr 200624 Up-to-date Atlantis Website has plenty of documentation & tutorials: The latest Atlantis version is now available from the Offline releases (package graphics/AtlantisJava): cmt co –r AtlantisJava-09-05-00 graphics/AtlantisJava cd AtlantisJava-*/cmt cmt config source gmake cd.. java –jar atlantis Don’t use alias ‘atlantis’, this will start old version in 11.0.41 release. If you have a. Atlantis-config.xml, you may need to rename it. Running under Windows / Mac as a java application works (may require installing Java 1.5 SDK) Copy directory ‘AtlantisJava-*’ from release, start atlantis.jar Note: Although Atlantis is inside the release, it has no dependency on other packages. It is a Java standalone application. Inclusion into release only to simplify distribution and code management.

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