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Mr. Ramirez English Rm. 24. MS, BA, Credential from California State University, Fullerton Locally attended Bishop Amat High School Substituted, taught.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Ramirez English Rm. 24. MS, BA, Credential from California State University, Fullerton Locally attended Bishop Amat High School Substituted, taught."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Ramirez English Rm. 24

2 MS, BA, Credential from California State University, Fullerton Locally attended Bishop Amat High School Substituted, taught Summer School, and coached Cross Country and Track as the head coach at La Puente High School for 4 years First year here at Alvarado Intermediate Last year, I taught in Central California at Corcoran High School Introduction

3 English Standards Reading- build fluency, comprehension and vocabulary, in both fiction and nonfiction Writing- 500-700 word essays, develop organization, coherency and use of conventions Listening- partner sharing, directions, notes and vocabulary Speaking- individual and group oral presentations

4 Reading and Vocabulary Types of reading and reporting will vary to address both current standards and the new common core standards Standards-based literary terms Vocabulary-5 new words per week and vocabulary tied to literature Emphasis is on analysis and critical thinking Knowledge of affixes and roots

5 Writing and Grammar Daily warmups Multiple paragraph essays Organization Sentence Variety Revision Organized approach to grammar Final copy: correct margins, dark blue or black ink, write on one side of paper only, correct punctuation, grammar & spelling

6 Homework 3-4 days per week: must be complete when class begins, or it is considered late. Daily reading is required *Late work will be not accepted Projects will lose 10% each day they are late. Projects are graded and then points are removed accordingly.

7 Learning Strategies Thinking Maps Project-Based Oral Presentations iPad research Interactive Notebooks

8 General Information Grades are posted every two weeks and students are identified by ID number Students are required to have an English notebook. – All literary terms pertinent to tests will be added to this notebook throughout the year It is each student’s responsibility to write down the day’s homework assignment

9 Rules 1.Be prepared 2.No eating or drinking 3.Be respectful of people and property 4.Be on time

10 Rewards/Concequences Following Rules: – Praise, gold cards, tickets, treats, passes, certificates Consequences for NOT following Rules: – Warning, time out/seat change, parent contact, behavior assignment, detention, referral

11 Grading Tests/Quizzes 30% Writing/Grammar 30% Reading/Vocabulary 30% Participation/Classwork10%

12 Resources Used Holt anthology Holt grammar handbook Class Novels MyAccess writing program Interactive Notebooks iPads Scope Magazine

13 Contact Information My email: Web Address: Homework will be posted on the website. – Subscribe as a parent to be updated with classroom announcements, homework, projects, tests, etc Phone: (626) 854-8520 ext. 2424 Edmodo website

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