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Module 2: Request for blood and blood components

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1 Module 2: Request for blood and blood components
Transfusion Training Workshop KKM 2012

2 Case 1 24 year-old lady Problem: underbite
Scheduled for orthognathic surgery Hb is 11.7 g/dL Packed red cells are requested

3 What would you request?

4 Group, Screen and Hold (GSH)
ABO, Rh grouping Screen: antibody screen and identification Hold: hold the sample for 48h

5 How to make a request for GSH
Inform patient the possibility of a transfusion Fill in request form Confirm patient’s identity Take blood sample Label sample at bedside NEVER use pre-printed labels NEVER pre-label tubes Send sample and request form to BB

6 Form: Complete Information

7 Case 2 55 year-old man, chronic smoker
c/o swelling R buccal mucosa & R neck x 2 months HPE: squamous cell carcinoma Planned for surgery Hb is 12.5 g/dL Packed cells are requested

8 What would you request?

9 Group cross-match (GXM)
ABO, Rh grouping Screen: antibody screen and identification Cross-match: Immediate spin/ RT LISS 370C AHG

10 How to make a request for GXM

11 Making a request for GXM
Inform patient the likelihood of a transfusion Fill in request form Confirm patient’s identity Take blood sample Label sample at bedside NEVER use pre-printed labels NEVER pre-label tubes Send sample and request form to BB Collect blood with blood collection slip and blood box

12 Blood collection slip

13 GXM vs. GSH GSH GXM Blood is not prepared for patient
ONLY the sample is processed BUT can easily convert to GXM if required GXM Blood is prepared for patient Sample is cross-matched with donor red cells BUT this increases workload

14 Case 3 En SY, 56 year-old man Presented to A&E with torrential per-rectal bleeding O/E: Pale PR: BP: 106/60 Packed cells are requested

15 What would you request?

16 Emergency Cross-match
Send sample + request form a.s.a.p Discuss with blood bank MO on call Doctor or staff to standby at BB with an ice box Verify blood upon release Group: Screen: Immediate spin: Release blood: Continue full cross-match

17 Form: Complete Information

18 Case 4 21 year-old lady Post-stem cell transplant for acute myeloid leukaemia Platelet count is 10 x 109/L Platelet concentrates are requested

19 Request for platelets Discuss the case with the blood bank MO on call
Once approved, send request form NO BLOOD SAMPLE required if blood group is known and in BB records Collection slip will be issued once platelets are ready

20 Form: Complete Information

21 Case 5 56 year-old lady Admitted to ICU for necrotising fascitis of left leg Prepared for amputation of left leg Coagulation profile was deranged Fresh frozen plasma was requested

22 Request for fresh frozen plasma
Discuss with Blood Bank MO on call Once approved, send request form NO BLOOD SAMPLE required if blood group is known and in BB records Thawing of plasma takes 30 minutes Collection slip issued once plasma is ready

23 Form: Complete Information

24 Case 6 26 year-old lady Elective LSCS for transverse lie
Group B, D negative GXM 2 units PRBC Requested for PRBC to be in OT

25 Case 7 45 year-old lady Long-term anticoagulation for recurrent DVT
Admitted for elective knee arthroscopy Warfarin stopped 5 days INR 1.6 on day before surgery 2 units FFP requested

26 Case 6 – cont’d LSCS uneventful PRBC returned Was GXM necessary?
Why bring PRBCs to OT when it takes only minutes to convert GSH to GXM?

27 Case 7 – cont’d FFP brought to OT INR 1.3 on day of surgery
Arthroscopy went well FFP transfused anyway after procedure Reason: need to write explanation letter to BB

28 Returning unused blood
Best practice is NOT to remove blood/ components from BB until needed Packed red cells, whole blood are stored in blood refrigerators at 4±2°C Domestic refrigerators are not meant for blood Plasma products (FFP, CryoP) are kept frozen and thawed ONLY upon request Once thawed, they cannot be frozen again

29 Returning unused blood
However, DO NOT TRANSFUSE if deemed UNNECESSARY Best to return than to transfuse inappropriately If returned: Place PRBC, WB and FFP in blood box with ice Return platelets in blood box without ice Fill in ‘borang pemulangan darah’ or brief explanation letter (memo) Blood bank WILL NOT reprimand you

30 Returning unused blood/ blood components
Call & inform BB Complete ‘ borang pemulangan darah’ or write a memo Return blood/ components in separate plastic bags with ‘borang pemulangan darah/ memo’


32 Memo Name of patient and AM no. Type of blood/ component Blood bag no.
Reason/s for returning the blood/ component

33 Proper return of blood components
Return of Used blood Bag 33

34 Improper return of used blood

35 The next time you decide to transfuse
Stop, think and ask yourself … Is it really necessary?

36 Be aware of the risks of transfusion and the morbidity/ mortality associated with it!
Febrile/ non-febrile transfusion reactions Wrong blood Bacteremia Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) Transfusion-transmitted infections (TTI)

37 The end

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