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VICTORIAN CURRICULUM & ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY PHYSICS 2004+ prepared by: VCAA Science Manager tel: 9 651 4655.

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Presentation on theme: "VICTORIAN CURRICULUM & ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY PHYSICS 2004+ prepared by: VCAA Science Manager tel: 9 651 4655."— Presentation transcript:

1 VICTORIAN CURRICULUM & ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY PHYSICS 2004+ prepared by: VCAA Science Manager tel: 9 651 4655

2 VCE Physics Revised Study 2004  Unit 1 and Unit 2 Revised Study 2005  Unit 3 and Unit 4  Pilot of Revised Study 2004  Unit 3 and Unit 4

3 Review to Study Review Committee Draft Consultation analysis of feedback => final Draft many internal drafts, refinements, editing, checking, further expert advice, consistency with VCAA guidelines Study Design

4 New study 2004+ Revised rationale New structure Current study updated/refined New areas of study added –possible to teach a similar course to current study Similar assessment program

5 Study Design Structure Rationale Aims Structure Entry Duration Changes to the Study Design Assessment and Reporting

6 Rationale theoretical empirical analytical Interesting and challenging

7 Aims major ideas of physics language –conceptual and practical –communication of physics methodology –knowledge development in physics –data acquisition and evaluation relationship to innovation and technology

8 New structure Common (2/3)Common (2/3) –Area of study 1 –Area of study 2 Detailed studies (1/3)Detailed studies (1/3) –Area of study 3 ORORchoice of 3.1 OR 3.2 OR 3.3

9 Unit 1 AoS 1: Wave-like properties of light AoS 2: Nuclear & radioactivity physics AoS 3: Detailed studies 3.1: Astronomy 3.2: Medical physics 3.3: Energy from the nucleus

10 Unit 2 AoS 1: Movement AoS 2: Electricity AoS 3: Detailed studies 3.1: Astrophysics 3.2: Investigations: aerospace 3.3: Investigations: alternative energy sources

11 Unit 3 AoS 1: Motion in one and two dimensions AoS 2: Electronics & photonics AoS 3: Detailed studies 3.1: Einstein’s relativity 3.2: Investigating materials & structures 3.3: Further electronics

12 Unit 4 AoS 1: Interactions of light & matter AoS 2: Electric power AoS 3: Detailed studies 3.1: Synchroton & applications 3.2: Photonics 3.3: Recording & reproducing sound

13 Entry Units 1, 2 and 3: –no pre-requisites Unit 4: prerequisite is Unit 3 Students are advised to study Unit 2 before entering Unit 3

14 Duration 50 hours of scheduled classroom instruction (practical work: 10 hours – as a guide)

15 Changes to the Study Design Notification in VCE Bulletin. science/physics.htm

16 Assessment & reporting Satisfactory completion: S/N Unit 1 and Unit 2: –no levels to be reported to VCAA Unit 3 and Unit 4: –school assessed coursework: reported –examination

17 Contexts Contextual approach to physics learning supported enhanced not one context BUT several contexts “Students will use [Key knowledge &skills] in the contexts of [.......,............,...........]”

18 Contexts example: Unit 1: Wave-like properties of light seeing with the unaided eye AND extending visual and communication capabilities AND special theatrical effects “Students will use [Key knowledge &skills] in the contexts of [.......,............,...........]”

19 Unit 1: Contexts Common areas of study Wave-like properties of light seeing with the unaided eye AND extending visual and communication capabilities AND special theatrical effects Nuclear & radioactivity physics environmental radiation AND production & use of radioisotopes in industry

20 Unit 1: Contexts Detailed studies Astronomy historical development of our picture of the Universe and our place in it Medical physics applications in medical diagnosis & treatment Energy from the nucleus energy from stars nuclear technologies

21 Unit 2: Contexts Common areas of study Movement historical development of the physics of motion AND transport AND games & sport Nuclear & radioactivity physics environmental radiation AND production & use of radioisotopes in industry

22 Unit 2: Contexts Detailed studies Astrophysics astronomy ‘Big Bang’ Investigations: Aerospace flight Investigations: Alternative energy sources alternative energy

23 Unit 3: Contexts Common areas of study Motion in one & two dimensions transport & safety AND motion in space Electronics & photonics domestic AND industrial

24 Unit 3: Contexts Detailed studies Einstein’s relativity no context Investigating structures & materials construction design Further electronics low voltage AC to DC voltage regulated power supply system

25 Unit 4 Contexts Common areas of study Interactions of light & matter models & explanations Electric power electric motors alternators & transformers electric power transmission & distribution

26 Unit 4 Contexts Detailed studies Synchrotron & applications investigating materials Photonics domestic scientific industrial Recording & reproducing sound music speaking hearing

27 deletions Unit 1: Heating & cooling BUT energy transfer & transformation processes kinetic particle model –continue to be taught through Nuclear & radioactivity, and Detailed studies e.g. Energy from the nucleus (Unit 1)/Alternative energy (Unit 2)

28 deletions Unit 3: Sound BUT sound (pressure) waves standing waves –can be taught through Detailed study: Recording & reproducing sound (Unit 4)

29 Development within practical work Unit 1 & Unit 2 simple observations & measurements one, independent continuous variable some adaptation, extension & design Unit 3 & Unit 4 accurate measurements two, independent continuous variables evaluation of data & data collection: design & undertake more complex investigations

30 Assessment Unit 1 and Unit 2 Practical investigation involving student adaptation extension design

31 Unit 1 & 2: Assessment Two different tasks selected from a list: annotated folio of practical activities data analysis multimedia or webpage presentation response to a media article summary report written report test (short answer and extended response

32 Unit 3: School assessed coursework Student-designed extended practical investigation plus At least two different tasks multimedia presentation annotated folio of practical activities summary report data analysis test (short answer and extended response report (written, oral, annotated, visual) response to a media article

33 Examinations Unit 3 Motion in one & two dimensions35-45 Electronics & photonics25-35 Detailed study25-35 [mirrors coursework: 40/30/30]

34 Unit 4: School assessed coursework Summary report of selected practical activities from the student’s logbook plus At least two different tasks multimedia presentation annotated folio of practical activities student-designed practical investigation data analysis test (short answer and extended response report (written, oral, annotated, visual) response to a media article

35 Examinations Unit 4 Interactions of light & matter35-45 Electric power25-35 Detailed study25-35 [mirrors coursework: 40/30/30]

36 Support program Resource list: updated Examination: format and criteria Sample examinations: Units 3 and 4 Course advice: all units CD-ROM: for new Detailed studies Attendance: STAV/AIP Physics Conference

37 Structuring a course Sequence –areas of study/outcomes –key knowledge and skills Practical activities –selection and sequence Assessment –task selection, design and administration

38 Scheduling Areas of study combinations/sequencing example: Unit 1 Nuclear & radioactivity physics (2) Energy from the nucleus (3.3) Wave-like properties of light (1)

39 Time constraints Judgments about the time to be devoted to each area of study need to be made. example: Unit 2 Practical investigation All teaching for 4 weeks via the PI

40 Time solutions: Block planning example: Key knowledge and skills Assessment –student-designed practical investigation Unit 3 AoS 1: 5 weeks AoS 2: 4 weeks AoS 3: 4 weeks 2-3 weeks (included in time for AoS)

41 Outcomes –teacher assessment of student performance Key knowledge & skills –dot points

42 List of studies Science Physics

43 Further Professional Learning Opportunities STAVCON –launch of CD-ROM –27-28 November 2003 STAV/AIP Physics Teachers Conference –early first term each year


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