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Hypothesis: Longshore drift operates from East to West along the North Kent Coastline. Use the groyne Height graphs to answer this. The highest side of.

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Presentation on theme: "Hypothesis: Longshore drift operates from East to West along the North Kent Coastline. Use the groyne Height graphs to answer this. The highest side of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hypothesis: Longshore drift operates from East to West along the North Kent Coastline. Use the groyne Height graphs to answer this. The highest side of the Groyne shows a build up of material = The direction Longshore Drift is operating from. How does Longshore drift operate? Briefly outline the theory. GroyneGroyne Direction of LSD Was it operating East to West? How can you prove it? Use measurements from the graph! e.g. At 24m on the East side it was ??cm below the Groyne but on the West side it was only ??cm.

2 Hypothesis: The long axis of pebbles is smaller in the West than the East. Use the Average pebble size graphs. Two theories operating here are: Longshore drift Erosion You would, therefore, expect pebbles to get smaller in the direction of Longshore drift. They will have travelled further and so more erosion will have taken place. Is their a trend, pattern, in the size of the pebbles from group 1 to Group 4. Swash zone. More waves here so more attrition and the pebbles get smaller.

3 Hypothesis: The long axis of the pebbles are smaller the further from the sea wall. Use the Average pebble size graphs. mm Distance Area of larger pebbles than others? Could be a Storm beach? Could be the High Tide mark? How far from the sea wall is it? Waves: During a storm waves have more energy and are able to transport pebbles further up the beach, where they are left. From observing the 4 bar charts do pebbles always seem to get smaller as you go towards the sea? Could erosion play a part in this?

4 Hypothesis: The beach profile changes from West to East. Use beach profile graphs Are there ridges in the profile? A storm beach? Could it be a Berm (these are found close the high tide mark (See above)) how close were the readings to the sea? Are there dips closer to the sea? These could be Longshore troughs formed due to destructive waves. Always use measurements from your graphs. E.g. At 20m there is a dip for group3 this could be a ????? formed when ????

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