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Northern California Earthquake Hazards Workshop February 12, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Northern California Earthquake Hazards Workshop February 12, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Northern California Earthquake Hazards Workshop February 12, 2014

2 Program Objectives Render BART system earthquake safe under Design Basis Earthquake (DBE). In general, “safe” = “noncollapse”. To the maximum extent reasonable and prudent, retrofit portions of the system to operability under the Lower Design Basis Earthquake (LDBE). “Operability” = return to train operations within a short period of time (1 -2 weeks)

3 Seismic Standards DBE (Safety)LDBE (Operability) BART System500 year return or median plus ½ standard deviation, whichever is larger Median Transbay Tube1,000 year return or median plus 1 standard deviation, whichever is larger 500 year return or median plus ½ standard deviation, whichever is larger

4 Original Program Scope

5 Current Program Scope

6 Status of Earthquake Safety Work

7 Remaining Work Retrofit Fremont Line aerial structures between Lake Merritt and Coliseum Complete 10 stations (7 in construction now) Upgrade 4 aerial structure piers along Richmond Line Retrofit interior liner in Transbay Tube (3 areas) and upgrade pumping system Expected completion: Fremont Line 2018, Transbay Tube 2023

8 EQ Damage Prediction

9 Other Seismic Preparedness Efforts Earthquake Early Warning System: Provides advanced warning (15 sec to 1 min) of large earthquake ground motions approaching the BART system. –Primarily for warning of distant earthquakes. –Tied to BART train control system – slows trains to reduce derailment or other possible effects. Feasibility study for retrofit of Berkeley Hills Tunnel, which crosses the Hayward Fault.

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