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LCME Determination 2013 Geisel School of Medicine Richard J Simons MD, MACP Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education Associate Vice President for Health.

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Presentation on theme: "LCME Determination 2013 Geisel School of Medicine Richard J Simons MD, MACP Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education Associate Vice President for Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 LCME Determination 2013 Geisel School of Medicine Richard J Simons MD, MACP Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education Associate Vice President for Health Affairs


3 GEISELMED.DARTMOUTH.E DU Accreditation Status Continued accreditation for an eight- year term Next survey: 2020/2021

4 GEISELMED.DARTMOUTH.E DU And, we have lot’s to do!

5 GEISELMED.DARTMOUTH.E DU Non-Compliance Areas 1.IS-12 Inter-professional education: students should have opportunity to learn in environments with students enrolled in other health professions 2.IS-16 Diversity: the institution must have policies and place to achieve appropriate diversity among its students, faculty and staff *Finding: lack of a coordinated and systematic strategy to increase diversity of the faculty*

6 GEISELMED.DARTMOUTH.E DU Non-Compliance Areas 3. ED-1 Institutional Objectives *Finding: While there are well-defined objectives, it is unclear how these overarching objectives are used to design the objectives and learning outcomes of the courses/clerkships. It is unclear how the clerkship directors utilized the school wide objectives to develop the form.

7 GEISELMED.DARTMOUTH.E DU Non-Compliance Areas 4. ED-8 Comparability across sites (repeat citation!) *Finding: efforts to collate data in clerkships began in 2010 but analysis and action plan to respond to differences across sites has yet to occur.

8 GEISELMED.DARTMOUTH.E DU Non-Compliance Areas 5. FA-10 Annual Faculty Reviews *Annual reviews with faculty is not uniformly practiced*

9 GEISELMED.DARTMOUTH.E DU Compliance with monitoring areas 1.ED-5A Active Learning *Finding: although there has been progress, pedagogy remains predominantly lecture based* 2.ED-24 Resident as Teachers *Finding: independent student analysis raised concerns about resident preparation for teaching. A centralized program has just been initiated

10 GEISELMED.DARTMOUTH.E DU Compliance with monitoring areas 3.ED-33, ED-35 Integrated Responsibility and Curriculum Review *Finding: The MEC now has a codified process of reviewing courses, not all components and segments of curriculum have undergone review. The process does not contain a plan for periodic review of the components of the curriculum. *

11 GEISELMED.DARTMOUTH.E DU Compliance with monitoring areas 4.ED-38 Duty Hours *Finding: “There remain issues relating to duty hours with a few clerkships, notably, surgery, ob- gyn and inpatient pediatrics which are being addressed.” 5.MS-8 Pipeline Programs to Enhance Diversity

12 GEISELMED.DARTMOUTH.E DU Compliance with monitoring areas 6. MS-32 Student Mistreatment *Finding: The AAMC GQ demonstrated a high level of student mistreatment. Geisel has implemented a number of programs to address this issue.*

13 GEISELMED.DARTMOUTH.E DU Thanks for your efforts in this process!

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