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Datahub: A Long-term Solution for Sharing Student Data Among Applications By Doug Olson and Brent Johnson, Traverse Bay Area ISD.

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Presentation on theme: "Datahub: A Long-term Solution for Sharing Student Data Among Applications By Doug Olson and Brent Johnson, Traverse Bay Area ISD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Datahub: A Long-term Solution for Sharing Student Data Among Applications By Doug Olson and Brent Johnson, Traverse Bay Area ISD

2 The Problem No one wants to enter the same data over and over. –It’s inefficient and error-prone.

3 The Solution Copy data from where it is entered to where it is needed. –Not a new concept –Many ways to do this –Takes time or money for development

4 The Traditional Approach Data is copied from the SIS to wherever it is needed. SIS Library System Test Score Analysis Phone Calling System Food Service System Special Ed SIS Busing Data System

5 The Datahub Approach Data is copied to and from a centralized database. Datahub SIS Library System Test Score Analysis Phone Calling System Special Ed SIS Busing Data System

6 Why the Extra Database? If you develop only for one school system with no possibility of ever wanting to use the code for someone else, then it might be worth it to avoid using a second database. Even then, if you switch to a new SIS then all of your data moving routines have to be rewritten.

7 Consortiums! Setting up data sharing is more efficient for groups of school districts rather than each one doing its own. For consortiums, the data hub smoothes out differences between systems.

8 SIS Diversity Not all Student Information Systems are created equal. Database structure and function vary widely from one SIS to the next. Even two implementations of the same SIS can vary widely.

9 Datahub to the Rescue With the datahub, just get a good connector written to load the centralized database from the SIS and the rest of the output routines will work. -You only have to solve the differences in databases once.

10 Share, Share, Share Outputs from the datahub can be shared with anyone using the same datahub design. - Not just with those using the same SIS

11 Why not SIF? SIF may be a cost effective solution for very large districts or consortiums. - Some vendors say it is good for everyone. For small to medium districts, it is hard to see the TCO of SIF adding up.

12 For example…

13 Why not other solutions? Cost in both money and time is the main reason datahub gets chosen over other solutions. Run your own cost analysis before deciding. Maybe one of the alternatives will prove to be a better fit.

14 Flexibility Datahub is not just about sharing data among different applications. –It also shares data between consortium members within the same application.

15 A Consortium Datahub Data can move between systems of consortium members. Datahub District 1 SIS District 3 SIS Test Score Analysis Phone Calling System Special Ed SIS Busing Data System District 2 SIS

16 Consortium Examples Career-Tech Center demographics, attendance and grades Test scores show up in new district without new data entry Transfers of students between districts in consortium

17 Downsides? Everything is based on UIC. –In the SIS, no UIC means no sharing of data with anything. This usually forces a change in UIC acquisition procedures. Database and programming expertise is a must. –A significant amount of staff time is needed to implement and maintain.

18 The Future We hope to see a sort of open source approach to further development of the datahub. –Design of the Traverse Bay Area ISD datahub could be made available. –A repository of programming for connectors could be maintained.

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