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2.02 Understand leadership and management..  Management is the process of accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective use of people.

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Presentation on theme: "2.02 Understand leadership and management..  Management is the process of accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective use of people."— Presentation transcript:

1 2.02 Understand leadership and management.

2  Management is the process of accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective use of people and other resources.

3  Planning  Organizing  Staffing  Implementing  Controlling

4  The planning function involves…  Analyzing information  Setting goals  Making decisions to accomplish the goals

5  The organizing function involves…  Identifying the work & resources needed to achieve the goals of the business that have been set in the planning stage.

6  The staffing function includes the activities involved in…  Obtaining the employees  Training the employees  Compensating the employees

7  The implementing function involves directing and leading people in order to accomplish the goals set out in the planning stage.

8 TThe controlling function is used to determine whether a business is accomplishing its goals that were set in the planning stage.

9  Top Management  Mid-management  Supervisors  Management by others

10  Executives are top-level managers  Responsible for the direction and the success of the business (controlling)  Set long-term goals (planning)  Held accountable for profitability & success  Examples:  CEO (Chief Executive Officer  President

11  Mid-managers are specialists  Responsible for specific parts of the business  Devoted to the organizing, staffing, and implementing functions  Examples  Marketing Manager  Information Technology Manager  Customer Service Manager

12 FFirst level of management RResponsible for the routine work of a group of employees EEvaluate the work of the employees IImplement the plans set forth by executives and mid-managers

13  Other employees who are not managers, may serve as leaders for a group of employees

14  The management style is the way a manager treats and involves employees  Tactical  Strategic  Mixed

15  Directive and controlling  Manager makes the major decisions  Stays in close contact with employees while they work  Typically, use for inexperienced employees or during a crisis

16  Less directive with employees  Involves team members with decision making  Typically, used with trusted and/or experienced employees  Limited direct supervision

17  Combination of both tactical and strategic  Effective managers can use both styles in order to accommodate different types of employees

18  Leadership is the ability to motivate individuals and groups to accomplish important goals.  What type of traits should a leader possess?

19  Intelligence  Judgment  Objectivity  Initiative  Dependability  Understanding  Cooperation  Honesty  Courage  Confidence  Stability

20  Autocratic Leader  Democratic Leader  Open or Laissez-faire leader

21  Used when a leader needs to give direct, clear, and precise orders and makes decisions  Situations to use style:  During an emergency  To direct the work of inexperienced employees

22  One who includes employees in making decisions  Situations to use style:  To monitor quality of work of employees  To direct the work of employees working as a team

23  One who gives little or no direction to employees  Situation to use style:  To monitor achievements and communicate regularly with employees  To direct the work of experienced and trained employees

24  Believe in something other than yourself.  Listen to others.  Work in a team, never be a loner.  Be considerate of a different opinion.  Stand for what you believe when criticized. 24

25  Be a peacemaker above all.  Be patient with other people even if they do not see your way.  Stick to the promises you make.  Work hard as a leader.  Thank people for what they do for you even though you may receive no thanks. 25

26 HHuman resources managers use the management process of managing employees to achieve the objectives of a business.

27  Planning, staffing, recruiting, & hiring  Managing compensation and benefits  Managing performance of employees

28 PPlanning & Staffing CClassifying employees PPermanent LLong term commitment TTemporary HHired for a specific time/job FFull Time 330 or more hours per week (usually 40+ hours) PPart Time SShort work week

29  Planning & Job Staffing  Determining job requirements:  The use of job analysis to determine all the duties for a particular job  Recruiting and hiring employees  The application process  Reviewing applications/resumes  Interviewing applicants  Checking references of applicants  Making a job offer to applicants

30  Recruiting & Hiring  New employee orientation  Paperwork  Training  Mentor

31  Compensation method  Time Wage – Direct payment per hour  Salary – Direct payment per week, bi-weekly, or monthly  Commission – Percentage of sales  Piece Rate – Payment per unit produced  Base plus incentive – Direct payment plus performance based pay  Employee benefits  Other items given to employee for working. For example, health insurance, vacation time, sick time, dental insurance, etc.

32  Employee evaluation  Objective evaluations of employees’ quality of work  Promotion  Advancement of an employee to a position with greater responsibility  Transfer  Assignment of the employee to a job in another area with similar responsibility  Termination  Ends employment relationship

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