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King Saud University College Of Applied Medical science Department of Community Health Service Course Syllabus Primary Care for Emergency (CHS 243) Undergraduate.

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Presentation on theme: "King Saud University College Of Applied Medical science Department of Community Health Service Course Syllabus Primary Care for Emergency (CHS 243) Undergraduate."— Presentation transcript:

1 King Saud University College Of Applied Medical science Department of Community Health Service Course Syllabus Primary Care for Emergency (CHS 243) Undergraduate Program-First Semester (1432-1433 H) 1

2 Mr. Majdi Al-Muhanna Office Room 2054 Tell Land Line: 4693505 Mobile Number: 0503438960 Office Hours Wednesday 8 to 12 & by Appointment 2

3 Required Text (s) Frank M. Pierson “Principles & Techniques of Patient Care”, Saunders, 4th edition, 2007 Essential References Ted S. Ferry, Elements of accident investigation, Thomas (Springfield, Ill) Recommended Journals The new england jornal of medicine Medline Plus Electronic Materials and Web Sites 3 Learning Resources

4 Contact hours Week due Lecture / Exam 2 1 st Introduction to course 2 2 nd Anatomy and Physiology overview 4 3 rd, 4 th Vital signs 2 5 th Patient Assessment 2 6 th Patient Transfer 2 7 th Emergency Trolley, contents and uses. Monday 4/12/1432 Hajj Holiday First Exam 2 8 th Types of, fractures, complications, management 2 9 th Bleeding, burns and wounds 2 10 th Types of, fractures, complications, management 2 11 th Bleeding, burns and wounds Second Exam 2 12 th Shock: Types, causes, and management. 2 13 th Medical emergencies 4 14 th, 15 th Basic Life support FINAL EXAM

5 REQUIREMENTS: Participate in Class Discussions/Group Work Complete Written Assignments Present Selected Assignments to Peers Complete a Comprehensive Examination 5

6 Evaluation: Semester evaluation Student Presentation 10% Assignment & reports 10% First exam 15% Second exam 15% Professional performance 10% Final written exam 40% 6

7 A+95 – 100C75 – 79 A90 – 94C-70 – 74 B+85 – 89D+65 – 69 B80 – 84D60 – 64 F<60 The faculty teaching in the Undergraduate Nursing Program uses the following scale of numerical equivalents for all approved letter grades: COURSE GRADING SYSTEM 7

8 WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS Each assignment is due on the class day following completion of the topic in class. Complete 3 of the following written assignments. Each assignment is due on the class day following completion of the topic in class. All students must do the bolded assignments. 8

9 Primary Care for Emergency (CHS 243) Students Presentation First Semester 1432/1433 H 9 Student NameTopics

10 ORAL PRESENTATION (Part of Class Participation Grade) Select one of the journal articles in the "Selected Journal Articles" section of the syllabus. (Check with me after making your selection.) You will lead a 10 minute class discussion of the article. (Please distribute copies of the article to the class during the prior week's session.) One or two per class would be nice. With the rest being during the last class. 10

11 GROUP ASSIGNMENT Part of Class Participation Grade Work with a group of students and complete class assignments related to class topics. Set up Groups (7- 10 per group) & pick a Group Leader. 11

12 GROUP WORK ASSIGNMENTS For all of the group work, meet after viewing powerpoints and completing the required reading. Be ready to share your and discuss your projects and participate in the critiquing of the other groups’ work. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Develop objectives for a course about food or restaurants/dining. Cognitive objectives – One for at least 4 different levels (include at lease one of the higher ones). One “new format” item (any level). Affective objectives – One for at least 2 levels (include at lease one of the higher ones). Psychomotor objectives- One at any level. 12

13 GROUP WORK ASSIGNMENTS TEST CONSTRUCTION Construct test items for your travel course. Two Multiple-choice items – One at the knowledge (knowledge/generalization) level and one at the application (application/analysis) level. One Matching set with 4 options in the left hand column. Two true/false items. TEST ANALYSIS Review and make decisions about 5 items that will be provided. CLINICAL EVALUATION Review a case study about a clinical student (that will be provided). Discuss the case and develop an action plan 13

14 Don’t Lose Your Way You cannot cram for an Primary Care for Emergency exam! Warning: Exam dates are closer than they appear!

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