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Tundra JON MAYES. What Is The Tundra?  Northern Biome  Dominated by:  Mosses  Lichens  Dwarf Willows  Low-Moderate Precipitation  Very Short Growing.

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Presentation on theme: "Tundra JON MAYES. What Is The Tundra?  Northern Biome  Dominated by:  Mosses  Lichens  Dwarf Willows  Low-Moderate Precipitation  Very Short Growing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tundra JON MAYES

2 What Is The Tundra?  Northern Biome  Dominated by:  Mosses  Lichens  Dwarf Willows  Low-Moderate Precipitation  Very Short Growing Season  Covers approximately 1/5 of land  “Treeless”

3 Climate  Cold  Average Temperature: less than 5 degree Celsius  Precipitation exceeds evaporation  Precipitation  15-25 cm per year  Normally snow  Summer – Brief  3-12 degrees Celsius on average  Periods of almost 24 hour daylight  Soggy

4 World Distribution Map

5 Permafrost  Unique soil structure  Layer of year-round frozen soil  Soil above may thaw in summer  Prevents deep burrowing  Prevents deep root systems  When water saturates upper surface:  Bogs/ponds form  Consists mostly of gravel and finer materials

6 Animals  Caribou/Reindeer  Considered indicator species  Lemming  Arctic Hare  Polar Bear  Arctic Fox  Snowy Owl  Musk Ox

7 Animals Musk OXSnowy Owl

8 Animals Arctic FoxPolar Bear

9 Animal Adaptations  Breed and raise young in summer  Hibernate/sleep during worst part of winter  Many migratory species  Others need to change what they eat depending on season  Additional insulation from fat  Thicker coats  Shorter/smaller to reduce surface area

10 Plants  Lichens  Willows  Sedges  Grasses  Mosses  Fireweed  Variety of low-growing shrubs

11 Plants Polytrichum MossFireweed

12 Plants  Growing season up to 60 days  Adapt to environment by:  Grow shorter  Grouping together  Use minimal amount of energy  Photosynthesize at low temperature/light intensity  No deep root systems  Most plants reproduce by budding  Hairy stem  Darker pigments

13 Threats to the Tundra  Global Warming  Permafrost is filled with dead plant material  As it warms, carbon dioxide is released  Accelerates global warming  Gas/Oil Development  Destroys the ecosystem  More people been moving to tundra  New towns/roads  Interrupts many migration and feeding patterns

14 Tundra

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